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The particles emitted from a household clothes dryer with an indoor exhaust port has been investigated based on particle mass, size, morphology and composition. The PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 emitted from the dryer was 22.8, 12.1 and 2.7 μg/m3 respectively for a 90 minutes cycle, and the concentrations were remarkably low compared to existing PM standards. The average size of the particles was about 0.280 μm and the number concentration was about 4.0 × 107 particles/m3. The particles had larger size and lower concentration than indoor air particles and thus,they contained low portion of ultrafine particles. They were found to be broken fibrous materials and their composition was close to cotton. Therefore, the particles emitted from the dryer would be less harmful to human health than ultrafine atmospheric aerosols.