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수산물유통이 생산자 중심에서 수요자 중심으로 전환되고 있으며, 수산물생산자 단체는 생산 중심적 구조로 인하여 수요자의 니즈에 부응하기 어려운 영세 주체들이 주류를 이루고 있기 때문에 자신들이 생산 또는 어획한 수산물로부터 충분한 경제적 가치를 획득하는데 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제 의식을 바탕으로 2000년대 이후 대형소매점이 수산물 산지시장의 직접적인 실수요자로 진입한, 유통시장의 변화에 따른 수산물 생산자 단체의 대응방안으로, 유통지배력 확보를 위한 공급규모화와 교섭력의 강화가 필요하며, 한편으로 이해당사자간의 갈등상황의 해소를 위한 차별화된 전략적 메시지 전달과, 상품의 정 규격화와 상품의 차별화 등 상품의 조달조건을 달성할 수 있는 균형 잡힌 정책의 필요, 물류기능과 규모화를 종합적으로 수행할 수 있는 수산물 물류센터 또는 산지거점시장의 설립으로 기존의 산지 수협의 기능과는 다른 상품차별화를 위한 조건만족을 기할 수 있는 설비 등의 물류기능을 수행함으로서 개별 물류비용 절감 등의 효과로, 수요자 측과의 거래 교섭력을 강화할 수 있는 협력적 시장으로의 수산물생산자단체의 마케팅전략 방안이 필요하다

The marine products distribution has been changed from the producer-centered to the consumer-centered structure. It is a question that the party of marine products producers could acquire the enough economic value from the marine products which they produce or catch because the mainstream group of the marine products producers party is comprised of who have many difficulties for satisfying consumers’ needs due to the producer-centered structure of the party of marine products producers. Based on the problem recognition, this research suggests the way of standardization and strengthening bargaining power to the party of marine products producers for securing the distribution dominance due to the distribution market change that large retail stores are entered as real-consumers of the marine products market. For making the cooperative marine products market, differentiated strategic messages communication for disentanglement of conflicts of interested parties, a balanced policy which can achieve the supply condition of products (standardization and differentiation of products), and the foundation of a marine products distribution center are necessary. The foundation of the marine products distribution center could perform the different distribution function from s of producing areas which can make of conditional satisfactions for the product differentiation and in turn, the individual distribution cost could be reduced. With these strategic policies, the bargaining power of marine producers toward consumer parties can be strengthened.

The marine products distribution has been changed from the producer-centered to the consumer-centered structure. It is a question that the party of marine products producers could acquire the enough economic value from the marine products which they produce or catch because the mainstream group of the marine products producers party is comprised of who have many difficulties for satisfying consumers’ needs due to the producer-centered structure of the party of marine products producers. Based on the problem recognition, this research suggests the way of standardization and strengthening bargaining power to the party of marine products producers for securing the distribution dominance due to the distribution market change that large retail stores are entered as real-consumers of the marine products market. For making the cooperative marine products market, differentiated strategic messages communication for disentanglement of conflicts of interested parties, a balanced policy which can achieve the supply condition of products (standardization and differentiation of products), and the foundation of a marine products distribution center are necessary. The foundation of the marine products distribution center could perform the different distribution function from s of producing areas which can make of conditional satisfactions for the product differentiation and in turn, the individual distribution cost could be reduced. With these strategic policies, the bargaining power of marine producers toward consumer parties can be strengthened.