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인식 주체가 지식을 적극적으로 형성한다는 구성주의자들에 따르면, 아동은 이미 다양한 타인의 목소리를 들었고, 문제 상황이 발생했을 때 자신에게 이미 내면화되어 있는 다양한 목소리들 사이의 내적 대화를 거쳐 내면화되는 내적 언어를 통해 도덕적 행동을 하게 된다. 아동의 사적 도덕경험에서 출발하며, 아동 자신의 언어를 매개로 도덕경험을 표출하고 반성한다는 내러티브 접근법은 구성주의적 인간상 및 도덕관과 동일한 관점을 취하고 있다.내러티브 접근법은 시공을 초월한 보편적 상황을 토대로 설정된 이론이 아니라, 구성주의자들이 주장하는 특수한 상황을 배경으로 하는 이론이다. 내러티브 접근법은 도덕적 주체로서 대화적 자아관을 배경으로 한다. 대화적 자아는 현실의 도덕경험에서 추상화된 인식론적 주체가 아니라 구체적 시·공간과 사건에 뿌리박고 있으며 다른 자아와의 상호 작용을 통하여 형성되는 자아이다. 따라서 내러티브 접근법이 지향하는 인간상은 어떤 고정된 실체로서의 불변적인 자아관보다는 현실의 다양한 도덕 경험을 통해서 각각 특수하게 발현될 수 있는 열린 자아관을 추구해야 한다. 이것은 구성주의적 인간상과 그 맥락을 같이 한다.내러티브 접근법에서 도덕적 진리는 이미 존재하는 것이 아니라 개인이 숙고의 과정을 거쳐 만들어 간다. 또한 이러한 과정에 의미 있는 타인의 목소리를 비롯한 언어가 영향을 미치게 된다. 그렇기 때문에 도덕교육에 대한 내러티브 접근법은 구성주의적 도덕 교육과 동일한 접근 방식을 취한다고 볼 수 있다.

This study is to explore the character and practice of the narrative approach to moral education. Narrative approach to moral education meets post-modernism and feminism trends which emphasize small narratives of human life and women's voices instead of meta narrative and men's voices. And one's narrative expresses and represents the functioning of one's psyche, which has been mediated and shaped by language. Narrative approach to moral education had started at the point that narrative has a role in human life and experience. And so, teachers and educators using a narrative approach to moral education should provide opportunities for students to tell their own moral stories, to speak in their own voices, and hence to authorize their own moral perspectives and experiences. Such an opportunity allows students to express and enhance their authority and responsibility through the process of 'authoring' stories about their lived moral experiences. By representing the cognitive, affective and active dimensions of their moral experience through narrative, students will therefore be encouraged to reflect on their experience from the standpoint of their own moral perspective. This will lead not only to an increased sense of authority and authorization on behalf of that perspective, but also an increased sense of responsibility for action. And narrative approach to moral education includes three major elements of moral education; moral cognition, emotion, action. And so it is regarded as an integrated approach to it.

This study is to explore the character and practice of the narrative approach to moral education. Narrative approach to moral education meets post-modernism and feminism trends which emphasize small narratives of human life and women's voices instead of meta narrative and men's voices. And one's narrative expresses and represents the functioning of one's psyche, which has been mediated and shaped by language. Narrative approach to moral education had started at the point that narrative has a role in human life and experience. And so, teachers and educators using a narrative approach to moral education should provide opportunities for students to tell their own moral stories, to speak in their own voices, and hence to authorize their own moral perspectives and experiences. Such an opportunity allows students to express and enhance their authority and responsibility through the process of 'authoring' stories about their lived moral experiences. By representing the cognitive, affective and active dimensions of their moral experience through narrative, students will therefore be encouraged to reflect on their experience from the standpoint of their own moral perspective. This will lead not only to an increased sense of authority and authorization on behalf of that perspective, but also an increased sense of responsibility for action. And narrative approach to moral education includes three major elements of moral education; moral cognition, emotion, action. And so it is regarded as an integrated approach to it.

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narrative approach to moral education, moral authority, moral responsibility, integrated approach to moral education