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The epistemological critic for the learning theory which is considered as an exclusive possession of educational psychology is the self-definition for this study. In fact, until now, the study for the learning theory which focuses a cognitive process or behavioral structure hardly exist in the educational philosophy areas. In this context, Merlau-Ponty is a significant reference for the philosophical approach on the learning theory, I think. What Merlau-Ponty showed in the analysis of behavioral structure is not clearness but ambiguity of the structure of behavior. And this fundamental ambiguity of the behavioral structure changed the foundation of learning from the structure as the solid framework to the relationship as the changing structures of behavior. Just as the physiological explanation on the behavior supposes the systemic synthesis of the reflex arc, the phenomenology of Merlau-Ponty insists on the intentional arc of body that determines concrete behavioral units each time. The phenomenological body as an intentional arc that is the seeing, the understanding and the acting at the same time is situated in the core of learning. In the phenomenological approach of Merlau-Ponty, the learning is no longer the products of the mind and intelligence, rather shows itself as the products of the behaviors which is constructed by body. Each behavioral structure which is analyzed elaborately by Merlau-Ponty inquiries the phenomenon of learning each time by the relationship of the structures which is involved in behaviors 'now'. We will pay attention to the aspects and relation of the behavioral structures which is operated always differently, and related with the learning in the intentional arc of body.

The epistemological critic for the learning theory which is considered as an exclusive possession of educational psychology is the self-definition for this study. In fact, until now, the study for the learning theory which focuses a cognitive process or behavioral structure hardly exist in the educational philosophy areas. In this context, Merlau-Ponty is a significant reference for the philosophical approach on the learning theory, I think. What Merlau-Ponty showed in the analysis of behavioral structure is not clearness but ambiguity of the structure of behavior. And this fundamental ambiguity of the behavioral structure changed the foundation of learning from the structure as the solid framework to the relationship as the changing structures of behavior. Just as the physiological explanation on the behavior supposes the systemic synthesis of the reflex arc, the phenomenology of Merlau-Ponty insists on the intentional arc of body that determines concrete behavioral units each time. The phenomenological body as an intentional arc that is the seeing, the understanding and the acting at the same time is situated in the core of learning. In the phenomenological approach of Merlau-Ponty, the learning is no longer the products of the mind and intelligence, rather shows itself as the products of the behaviors which is constructed by body. Each behavioral structure which is analyzed elaborately by Merlau-Ponty inquiries the phenomenon of learning each time by the relationship of the structures which is involved in behaviors 'now'. We will pay attention to the aspects and relation of the behavioral structures which is operated always differently, and related with the learning in the intentional arc of body.