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The purpose of this study was to examine the meaning of and controversy over mirror neurons in neuroscientific studies, and draw out some implications for moral education. Especially, the study tried to focus on the motor-relatedness of observation behavior. The result is as following. The main meaning of the discovery of mirror neurons is identified as that of physiological and neurological leverage for animal and human mimicry behaviors, that may lead to secure a way for action understanding and empathy. The main feature found in the function or role of mirror neurons is its motor character in relationship with the observed actions of actors. And the theoretical explanation of simulation theory regarding the role of mirror neurons exposes the implicit, automatic, unconscious, and prerational character of mirroring process. The findings suggest the need for a heightened interest in unconscious or subconscious process of behavior formation, more concern with action observation as indirect experience, and more intentional use of action imitation in moral education.