초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of Korea Education and causes of current educational problems by analyzing continuity of developmental state and neoliberal state since the 70 years after Independence. In order to achieve this purpose, in the second chapter, I explored the characteristics of the authoritarian developmental state and the legacies of developmental education. In the next chapter, I explored the characteristics of the neoliberal state that are affiliated with developmental state and their impact on education after the 1997 IMF crisis. Under the legacies of developmental state and condition of current neoliberal state affiliated with it, Korea education system is still suffering from competitive education for survival, national education and training of industrial worker as the primary purposes of education, repetition of traditional educational model based on tests, absence of the publicity of the education, a strong state intervention and state control for the political instrumentalization of education.