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This study observes 「Yuelun」 of Xun zi and Lushichunqiu and explored the significance they have on infant music education. Research regarding infant music education is mostly focused on actual contents so there is not a lot of philosophical observation into it. As 「Yuelun」 of Xun zi and Lushichunqiu deal with the independent side of music, they allow the observation of Eastern musical theory and studying this has significance. At this, the significance of infant music education found in 「Yuelun」 of Xun zi and Lushichunqiu is as follows. Infant music education must be enjoyable and it must be done in harmony with nature as its base. Also, infant music education must allow participants to mix together and it must be conducted with good music. Like this, observations of two pieces of literature which offer various ideas about music broaden the philosophical prospects of music as they offer many implications for infant music education.