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Propose of this study is to classified the concept of corrupted Police, estimate Korean police corruption and our anti-corrupted Police movement. And then estimate the strategy of controlling corrupted police and bring up the improvement plan. Public institutions in modern society, the internationalization, and diversification to secure the trust of the people you want to have a lot of effort. In addition, the national security needs of a variety of needs and have a lot of attention, and the people's growing crime phenomenon, with a high level of awareness on the role of the police mission and will have more attention. In particular, the corruption of police officers to the police, can affect the entire organization can have adverse effects on the overall position is. However, the police corruption. If you can think of is associated with the money, but to the police executive associated with the law, in its sole discretion, and the police will be included in the category. This means that the police in connection with law enforcement roll of the cultural characteristics of the police corruption that can occur according to the study of the relationship between the two. In addition, the cultural characteristics of the police corruption case of the situation by using official statistics and the cultural attributes the problem to improve the present has to offer.