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A comparative study between Korea and Taiwan. - A degree of support for children in multi-cultural family with their native languages A Comparative study of supporting policies for Children's Language Education in Multi-cultural family in Korea and Taiwan with their parent's native language. Considering the positive effect of nurturing the multicultural family's children with their parents' native language, it is required to do away with stereotypes of nurturing the multicultural family's children with Korean language. It is necessary to remove a stereotype that children in multi-cultural family should be raised with Korean language, in order to keep the value of the native language to the Korean society. The study analyzed the literature concerning the educational supporting policies for multicultural family and materials in both websites of the Korean and Taiwan government. Native Language education programmes run in voluntary sector in Korea, where as, Taiwanese government supports actively in government level and advertised multicultural schools. It should emphasized to expand the awareness on multiculture and bilingual education in Korea. Both, Korea and Taiwan are needed to secure sufficient expertise on teaching material development and supply teachers for the bilingual language education.