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개인이 가진 작업기억용량(working memory capacity)의 차이가 주의제어 및 광고독해시간, 그리고 광고텍스트 언어기억의 양과 질을 결정하는 것을 조사하였다. 작업기억(working memory)은 소비자의 인지활동에 필요한 정보를 단기간 동안 저장, 처리할 수 있게 하는 인지적 자원으로 제품관여도가 동일하게 높은 두 소비자이더라도 같은 광고자극물을 보고 난 후 광고텍스트에 대한 기억은 그 양과 질에 있어 차이가 존재할 수 있는데, 이는 광고텍스트를 읽을 때 주의제어능력에 상당부분 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 시선추적기를 사용하여 광고 노출 시 소비자들의 주의를 측정하고 광고노출 사후기억을 측정하였다. 작업기억용량이 높은 개인들은 광고 노출 시 정보를 수용하는 과정에서 광고의 다양한 요소들 가운데 광고텍스트에 더 오랫동안 시간을 보내며 읽는다. 이들의 시선은 어지럽고 산만하게 흐트러지지 않고 필요한 부분들에서 시선이 순차적으로 머무는 양상을 보이기 때문에 전체적인 시선궤적은 작업기억용량이 낮은 이들보다 짧은 편이다. 작업기억용량이 큰 소비자들은 광고텍스트 기억언어의 어휘가 풍부하고 표현에 있어서도 수사적으로 좀 더 복잡한 2어절 이상의 수식구문을 사용할 수 있으나, 작업기억 용량이 작은 소비자들은 단어절의 단편적인 기억을 나열하되 전체적인 어휘량도 적고, 의미 요소들간의 관계를 표현하는 수식구문의 사용도 적다. 또한 기억된 단어들 중 추상적 이미지를 표현하는 제품 퍼스낼리티 같은 단어들은 작업기억용량이 높은 소비자들에게서 더 강하게 나타나는 현상이며, 색상 같은 구체적인 어휘의 기억은 작업기억용량이 높고 낮은 소비자간에 차이가 없었다.

Working memory is a critical element in high-order cognition including information search, text comprehension, and ad memory. Individuals vary widely in the working memory capacity. The current research investigated how individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) influence attentional control and ad text memory. Individual differences in WMC are measured reliably by an established neuropsychological measurement of K-CVLT (Korean California Verbal Learning Test). Based on the working memory capacity theory, it is predicted that individual differences in working memory capacity will exercise differential effects on attentional control and ad text reading time. Moreover, ad texts can represent various levels of word comprehension difficulty. For example, color-related words represent concrete images and are relatively easy to process. On the other hand, brand personality-related words represent abstract concepts and are relatively hard to process. Thus, brand personality-related words require greater working memory resources to process than do color- related words. Drawing on the current linguistic literature, it is hypothesized individuals high in WMC will also show better ad text memory in terms of total vocabularies and number of words used per memory item than will individuals low in WMC. Due to the difference in demands for cognitive resources between processing concrete and abstract words, it is hypothesized that individuals high in WMC will better remember abstract personality-related words than individuals low in WMC. However, there will be no difference between those high in WMC and those low in WMC in remembering easy color-related words that represent concrete images. We used an eye-tracker device Tobii T60 to measure consumer attentional control during advertisement exposure using eye travel distance as a measure of attention disperson. The advertisement stimulus included an image of a model, three pictures of camera, and ad text which was composed of a total of 77 words including both color-related words and brand personality-related words. A total of 126 students participated in the experiment and we selected a subset of participants who scored top 75 to 100 percentile and bottom 25 percentile on the K-CVLT. We found that individuals high in WMC spent longer time reading the ad text than did their counterparts (Mhigh=28.17secvs. Mlow=21.17sec, t=-2.718, p=0.009). Individuals high in WMC also showed shorter eye travel distance during the first 7 seconds of ad exposure (Mhigh=16139.897pixel vs. Mlow=20022.190 pixel, t=2.065, p=0.019). Shorter eye travel distance of those high in WMC suggests that they exercised greater control of attention for the ad text reading and comprehension. Individuals high in WMC also showed a greater number of total vocabulary use (Mhigh=12.97 vs. Mlow=9.70, t=-2.551, p=0.013) and more frequent use of two- or three-word adjective phrases in ad text memory than their counterparts (Mhigh=4.96vs. Mlow=3.36, t=-2.915, p=0.005). The number of color-related words remembered by the low WMC individuals was not significantly different from that of the high WMC individuals (Mhigh=1.00 vs. Mlow=1.17, t=0.972, p=0.335). However, the abstract words used to express product personality were retained better in the high WMC individuals’ ad text memory(Mhigh=1.06 vs. Mlow=0.36, t=-3.139, p=0.003) than in their counterparts’ memory. Based on these findings, managerial implications are developed. Marketers and advertising copy writers should pay attention to target consumers’ working memory capacity and adjust the level (e.g., abstract or concrete) and number of words used in advertisement text by considering consumers’ limited working memory resources.