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This paper seeks to examine changes in the balance of intra-European migration during the years 1985-99. We construct two indices for measuring intra-European migration between each member state and the rest of the EU15. Nonparametric tests indicate that there is a close and increasing relationship between real GDP per capita and the pattern of net migration within Europe. Further, statistical tests suggest that, on the whole, intra-European migration has actually become more balanced after the implementation of the Schengen agreement in 1995. A Chow test also reveals that 1995 is the break-year after which levels of intra-European migration shifted upwards.
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Migration, Europe, Schengen Agreement, * We are indebted to the editor and the referee of this journal for useful comments. We would also like to thank George Agiomirgianakis for his comments. The responsibility for any errors or opinion expressed l