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이 논문은 1990년대 이후 반부패 국제규범의 창출과 제도화가 가능했던 조건 및 반부패 규범과 이의 제도화 전략들이 갖는 내용을 비판이론적 시각에서 분석한다. 이를 통해 반부패 국제규범의 창출과 제도화가 금융주도적 축적체제를 기반한 새로운 초국적 헤게모니 질서 내에서 가능했음을 보이고자 했다. 새로운 헤게모니 질서는 금융주도적 축적체제에 조옹하는 신자유주의적 국가형태 및 이데올로기를 중심으로 만들어질 수 있었는데, 반부패 국제 레짐은 새로운 헤게모니 세력이 정치적, 지적, 도덕적 지도력을 획득하는 과정에서 형성되었다. 이과적ㅇ에서 부패문제는 경제교환에서의 불확실성의 원천, 외국인 투자 및 자유무역에 대한 장벽과 억제유인으로 설정되었다. 또한 부패에 관한 신자유주의적 지배담론은 다양한 국제기구들의 반부패 전략에 반영되어 경제자유화와 공공부문 관리를 위한 제도개혁을 중심으로 제도화되고 있다. 경제적 시장의 자유화, 이 과정에서 요구되는 투명성과 통제가능성, 이에 대한 위협으로서의 부패 사이의 연관성은 새로운 헤게모니 질서 내에 포함된 반부패 국제레짐의 성격의 한 단면을 보여준다. 그리고 현재의 반부패 국제 레짐은 경제적 지구화, 자유민주주의를 두 축으로 하는 초국적 헤게모니 질서의 정당화와 보편화를 위한 일관적인 정치적, 이데올로기적 프로젝트의 부분으로 이해될 수 있다.

For the past 20 years, corruption has been increasing grossly and the pattern of corruption has shown also various phenomena all over the world. It is considered that globalization has played a directive role in stimulating corruption. Therefore as a global level, it is defined that corruption should be dealt with by close cooperation of governments, civil society and international organizations. But there have been no internationally cooperative actions to curb and control corruption sine the 1990s in the international community. Even though the international discourses on anti-corruption has been existed intermittently from time to time since the 1990s, now the fact that international anti-corruption norm begins developing and constructing dynamically has raised another question. If the anti-corruption discourses have political intentions, what will the factors explaining the process of constructing international anti-corruption norms become? Against this backdrop, the research is conducted to criticize the current international anti-corruption norm and its feature of institutionalizing process in figuring out international anti-corruption regime and the strategies of its core group. In this process, the study has another perspective, unlike the mainstream regime theories, applying to the international anti-corruption norm and the institutionalizing process, insisting a possibility of another explanation. As a result, the international anti-corruption regime must be recognized only under the current international circumstances that anti-corruption issues are dealt with as political and normative perspectives on the global economy and the flow of international capital. Thus the current international anti-corruption system can be understood as political and ideological pillars of transnational hegemony supporting neoliberal economic globalization and liberal democracy.

For the past 20 years, corruption has been increasing grossly and the pattern of corruption has shown also various phenomena all over the world. It is considered that globalization has played a directive role in stimulating corruption. Therefore as a global level, it is defined that corruption should be dealt with by close cooperation of governments, civil society and international organizations. But there have been no internationally cooperative actions to curb and control corruption sine the 1990s in the international community. Even though the international discourses on anti-corruption has been existed intermittently from time to time since the 1990s, now the fact that international anti-corruption norm begins developing and constructing dynamically has raised another question. If the anti-corruption discourses have political intentions, what will the factors explaining the process of constructing international anti-corruption norms become? Against this backdrop, the research is conducted to criticize the current international anti-corruption norm and its feature of institutionalizing process in figuring out international anti-corruption regime and the strategies of its core group. In this process, the study has another perspective, unlike the mainstream regime theories, applying to the international anti-corruption norm and the institutionalizing process, insisting a possibility of another explanation. As a result, the international anti-corruption regime must be recognized only under the current international circumstances that anti-corruption issues are dealt with as political and normative perspectives on the global economy and the flow of international capital. Thus the current international anti-corruption system can be understood as political and ideological pillars of transnational hegemony supporting neoliberal economic globalization and liberal democracy.