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목적 : 만삭 정상 산모에서 산모 혈액 및 제대 혈액에서 렙틴 치를 측정하고 이의 상호 연관성 및 산모의 체질량 지수, 태아 출생체중, 태아 성별 등과의 연관성을 규명하여 임신 중의 렙틴이 태아성장에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 한다.연구 방법 : 분만 직전 임신과 분만 합병증이 없는 정상 만삭 산모 39명을 대상으로 산모의 혈액 및 제대 혈을 태아분만시 채취하여 이를 immunoassay 방법으로 렙틴 치를 측정하였다. 동시에 모체의 체질량 지수, 태아 체중 등을 측정하였다.결과 : 정상 만삭 산모에서 평균 주수는 38.9주였으며 산모혈액의 평균 렙틴 농도는 335.7 pg/ml로 측정되고 제대혈액의 평균 렙틴 농도는 118.3 pg/ml 였다. 제대혈액의 렙틴 농도와 산모혈액의 렙틴 농도는 통계학적으로 연관관계는 없었으나 모체 체중과 모체 렙틴은 유의수준 0.021로 희귀 분석 상 연관관계가 있었고 태아 렙틴과 태아체중과의 관계도 의미 있는 연관성을 보였다. 그 외의 출생 시 성별에 따른 연관성 등은 차이는 보였으나 유의한 관계는 보이지 않았다.

Objective : In this study, We investigated the circulating level of leptin in the maternal and cord serum to estimate the effect of leptin on the fetal growth. Methods : In full-term pregnancy, right after delivery, we calculated the concentration of leptin in the maternal and cord serum by using an immunoassay. we studied the relation between these value, the maternal BMI at the time of delivery, the neonatal body weight. Results : At the time of delivery, mean concentration of maternal leptin and cord leptin showed 335.7 pg/ml and 118.3 pg/ml and there was no statistical significance between them. Mean concentration of matenal leptin has positive relation with maternal body weight. but not to neonatal weight. Mean concentration of cord serum leptin has a positive relation with neonatal weight. There was a correlation between the maternal BMI and the neonatal weight at the time of delivery. We evaluated the mean leptin level of neonates of two different sexes, that difference did not show a statistically significant level. Conclusion : In this study, no correlation was found between concentration of maternal leptin and cord leptin. These data suggested that the cord serum leptin has a positive relation with fetal growth independantly, regardless of maternal leptin and maternal BMI.

Objective : In this study, We investigated the circulating level of leptin in the maternal and cord serum to estimate the effect of leptin on the fetal growth. Methods : In full-term pregnancy, right after delivery, we calculated the concentration of leptin in the maternal and cord serum by using an immunoassay. we studied the relation between these value, the maternal BMI at the time of delivery, the neonatal body weight. Results : At the time of delivery, mean concentration of maternal leptin and cord leptin showed 335.7 pg/ml and 118.3 pg/ml and there was no statistical significance between them. Mean concentration of matenal leptin has positive relation with maternal body weight. but not to neonatal weight. Mean concentration of cord serum leptin has a positive relation with neonatal weight. There was a correlation between the maternal BMI and the neonatal weight at the time of delivery. We evaluated the mean leptin level of neonates of two different sexes, that difference did not show a statistically significant level. Conclusion : In this study, no correlation was found between concentration of maternal leptin and cord leptin. These data suggested that the cord serum leptin has a positive relation with fetal growth independantly, regardless of maternal leptin and maternal BMI.