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후복부의 후복막강 및 골반 후복막강은 골반내 장기에 중요한 신경계, 혈관계 및 림프계 공급을 담당할 뿐 아니라 요로계 및 대·직장관계를 포함하고 있다. 골반에서 발생하는 통증이나 종괴는 일차적으로는 생식기관에서 발생할 수 있지만, 요로계와 위장관계를 포함하여 후복막강의 공간에서 발생할 수도 있다. 따라서 부인과 의사들은 후복막강 종양과 관련된 다양한 상황 및 적절한 치료에 대해 인지하고 있어야 한다.수뇨관증은 골반내 종양 또는 후복막강 종양으로 오진될 수 있다. 이의 원인은 주로 악성 종양이나 특발성 후복막섬유화증 및 골반내 질환으로 인한 이차적인 폐쇄로 나타나지만 원발성 폐쇄성 거대요관도 고려해야 한다.

The retroperitoneal space of the posterior abdomen and the pelvic retroperitoneum contain the major neural, vascular and lymphatic supply to the pelvic viscera, the urinary system and colorectal system. A pain or mass in the pelvis may arise primarily from the reproductive organs, but it may just as easily arise from the retroperitoneal space, include the urinary tract and the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the gynecologic surgeon should be aware of the various conditions associated with retroperitoneal mass and the correct management of these disorders. Hydroureter may misdiagnose as a pelvic mass or retroperitoneal mass. The cause of hydroureter is mainly secondary obstruction such as malignancy, idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis and pelvic disease but primary obstructive megaureter should be considered. This report describes a case of marked hydroureter, misdiagnosed as a hydrosalpinx by ultrasound.

The retroperitoneal space of the posterior abdomen and the pelvic retroperitoneum contain the major neural, vascular and lymphatic supply to the pelvic viscera, the urinary system and colorectal system. A pain or mass in the pelvis may arise primarily from the reproductive organs, but it may just as easily arise from the retroperitoneal space, include the urinary tract and the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the gynecologic surgeon should be aware of the various conditions associated with retroperitoneal mass and the correct management of these disorders. Hydroureter may misdiagnose as a pelvic mass or retroperitoneal mass. The cause of hydroureter is mainly secondary obstruction such as malignancy, idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis and pelvic disease but primary obstructive megaureter should be considered. This report describes a case of marked hydroureter, misdiagnosed as a hydrosalpinx by ultrasound.