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Objective: The degree of pain relief and complications after treatment for chronic pelvic pain due to endometirosis were evaluated. Methods: This study was performed in sixty three patients of endometriosis who have diagnosed by laparoscopy. They were divided in three groups by treatment regimen, MirenaⓇ only group (Group A), MirenaⓇ plus low-dose MPA group (Group B) and high-dose MPA only group (Group C). After six months, we evaluated the result of treatment by the degree of pain relief and complications of each treatment regimen. Results: The degree of pain relief in Group B was significantly higher than in Group A (p<0.05), and significant difference was not found between Group B and Group C. The frequency of irregular bleeding in Group B was significantly lower than Group A (p<0.05), but not than Group C. The frequency of weight gain in Group B was significantly lower than Group C (p<0.01), but not than Group A. However the frequency of breast tenderness in Group B was significantly higher than Group A (p<0.01), but not than Group C. Conclusion: MirenaⓇ plus low-dose MPA combined treatment is as effective as high-dose MPA treatment in pain relief with lower side-effects.

Objective: The degree of pain relief and complications after treatment for chronic pelvic pain due to endometirosis were evaluated. Methods: This study was performed in sixty three patients of endometriosis who have diagnosed by laparoscopy. They were divided in three groups by treatment regimen, MirenaⓇ only group (Group A), MirenaⓇ plus low-dose MPA group (Group B) and high-dose MPA only group (Group C). After six months, we evaluated the result of treatment by the degree of pain relief and complications of each treatment regimen. Results: The degree of pain relief in Group B was significantly higher than in Group A (p<0.05), and significant difference was not found between Group B and Group C. The frequency of irregular bleeding in Group B was significantly lower than Group A (p<0.05), but not than Group C. The frequency of weight gain in Group B was significantly lower than Group C (p<0.01), but not than Group A. However the frequency of breast tenderness in Group B was significantly higher than Group A (p<0.01), but not than Group C. Conclusion: MirenaⓇ plus low-dose MPA combined treatment is as effective as high-dose MPA treatment in pain relief with lower side-effects.

목적: 자궁내막증과 연관된 만성 골반통 환자의 치료에 있어서 Mirena와 저용량의 프로게스테론 병합요법의 효용성을 알아보고자 하였다.방법: 복강경 검사로 자궁내막증으로 확인된 환자 중 자궁내막증에 의한 통증을 호소하는 환자를 대상으로 하여 Mirena만 삽입하고 관찰한 A군 21명, Mirena에 MPA 10~20 mg 첨가한 B군 18명, MPA 30~100 mg을 투여한 C군 24명의 총 63명 중 Mirena에 저용량의 MPA를 추가한 B군의 치료 효용성을 다른 두 군과 비교하여 알아보았다. 결과: A군에 비하여 B군에서 의의 있게 더 높은 통증 감소율을 보였다 (p<0.05). 각 군에서 치료 기간 6개월 동안 나타난 합병증 빈도들은 부정 출혈 빈도가 A군에서 B군 및 C군에 비하여 의의 있게 더 많이 발생하였다 (p<0.05). 체중 증가는 A군과 B군에 비하여 C군에서 의의 있게 더 많이 나타났다 (p<0.01). 유방 압통은 B군과 C군의 경우 A군에 비하여 의의 있게 자주 나타났으며 (p<0.01), B군과 C군간의 의의 있는 차이는 없었다.