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목적: 당뇨병 환자들의 색각을 당뇨병성 망막증의 정도에 따라 비교하여 분석하고 새로 개발한 SNU전산화 색각 검사를 당뇨환자에서 기존의 색각검사들과 비교해 보고자 하였다. 대상과 방법: 2003년 5월부터 8월까지 시력 0.6이상의 당뇨 환자를 대상으로 이시하라검사, Hardy-Rand-Rittler 검사(HRR 검사), 서한전산화색각검사, 그리고 SNU 전산화색각검사를 시행하였다. 결과: 총 82명 160안으로 당뇨망막병증이 없는 환자가 32명, 경도 비증식성당뇨망막병증이 19명, 중등도 12명, 중증도 12명, 증식성당뇨망막병증이 7명이었다. 전체 당뇨환자에서 서한전산화색각검사상 평균 총오점수는 189이었는데 SNU전산화색각검사는 평균 총오점수는 8.5이고 두 검사는 0.6의 상관관계를 보였다. 당뇨망막병증이 없는 환자, 경도, 중등도, 중증도 비증식성당뇨망막병증 환자 그리고 증식성망막병증 환자에서 서한전산화색각검사상와 SNU전산화색각검사의 평균 총오점수는 125, 3.64; 185, 8.16; 209, 11.1; 288, 15.6; 그리고 324, 17.6이었다. HRR 검사에서는 색각이상 발견률이 매우 낮았다. 결론: 당뇨망막병증의 정도가 심해질수록 서한색각검사와 SNU전산화색각검사에서 총오점수가 높아지는 것을 알 수 있으며 이 검사들에서 HRR 검사보다 유용함을 알 수 있었다.

Purpose: To investigate the color vision defect in diabetic patients using the SNU computerized color test (SCCT). Methods: From May to September 2003, diabetic patients with visual acuity 0.6 or better underwent various examinations including biomicroscopy, fundus photography, Ishihara color test, Hardy‐Rand‐Rittler (HRR) test, Seohan computerized hue test (SCHT), and SNU computerized color test. The SCCT was developed by using the Matlab 6.0 program. Results: A total of 160 eyes of 82 diabetic patients were included. Thirty‐two patients had no diabetic retinopathy, 19 had mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), 12 had moderate NPDR, 12 had severe NPDR, and 7 had proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). In the all diabetic patients, the average total error score (TES) of SCHT was 189 and that of SCCT was 8.5; in patients without diabetic retinopathy, the scores were 125 and 3.64; in patients with mild NPDR, 185 and 8.16; in patients with moderate NPDR, 209 and 11.1; in patients with severe NPDR, 288 and 15.6 ; and in patients with PDR, 324 and 17.6 respectively. On the HRR test, patients without diabetic retinopathy had 1 tritan defect; those with mild NPDR 2 tritan, 2 protan, and 2 deutan defects : those with moderate NPDR, no color defects ; and those with severe NPDR, 2 tritan, and 2 protan defects, and 1 deutan defect. Conclusions: In diabetic patients, TES of SCHT and SCCT was higher according to the severity of diabetic retinopathy. SCHT and SCCT were more useful than HRR test.

Purpose: To investigate the color vision defect in diabetic patients using the SNU computerized color test (SCCT). Methods: From May to September 2003, diabetic patients with visual acuity 0.6 or better underwent various examinations including biomicroscopy, fundus photography, Ishihara color test, Hardy‐Rand‐Rittler (HRR) test, Seohan computerized hue test (SCHT), and SNU computerized color test. The SCCT was developed by using the Matlab 6.0 program. Results: A total of 160 eyes of 82 diabetic patients were included. Thirty‐two patients had no diabetic retinopathy, 19 had mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), 12 had moderate NPDR, 12 had severe NPDR, and 7 had proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). In the all diabetic patients, the average total error score (TES) of SCHT was 189 and that of SCCT was 8.5; in patients without diabetic retinopathy, the scores were 125 and 3.64; in patients with mild NPDR, 185 and 8.16; in patients with moderate NPDR, 209 and 11.1; in patients with severe NPDR, 288 and 15.6 ; and in patients with PDR, 324 and 17.6 respectively. On the HRR test, patients without diabetic retinopathy had 1 tritan defect; those with mild NPDR 2 tritan, 2 protan, and 2 deutan defects : those with moderate NPDR, no color defects ; and those with severe NPDR, 2 tritan, and 2 protan defects, and 1 deutan defect. Conclusions: In diabetic patients, TES of SCHT and SCCT was higher according to the severity of diabetic retinopathy. SCHT and SCCT were more useful than HRR test.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Color Vision Defect, Diabetic Retinopathy, SNU Computerized Color Test