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목적 : 성공적인 약시치료 후 정상 시력 상태에 있는 환아를 대상으로 양안, 단안 시기능 상태를 알아보았다. 대상과 방법 : 약시치료 후 정상 시력을 회복한 69명과 대조군 20명을 대상으로 입체시 검사와 중심와 역치를 통하여 양안, 단안 시기능을 평가하였다. 약시 발생 원인에 따라 분류한 후 군간 비교를 통하여 검사 결과를 비교 분석하였으며 양안, 단안 시기능에 영향을 끼치는 인자에 대하여 조사하였다. 결과 : 입체시는 사시약시군 224.6초, 굴절부등약시군 91.8초, 시각차단약시군 74.3초, 그리고 정상 대조군 46.5초로 사시약시군에서 유의하게 저하되어 있었고(p=0.000) 사시약시군의 입체시 저하에는 약시의 정도(depth of amblyopia)가 영향 인자로 작용하였다(r=0.448, p=0.002). 중심와 역치는 사시약시, 굴절부등약시안에서 건안에 비하여 1.08dB 저하되어 있었다(p=0.029, p=0.020). 결론 : 사시약시 환아는 억제 또는 불충분한 양안 중심와 융합으로 인해 약시치료 후 정상 시력 상태에 있다 하더라도 양안 시기능이 저하되어 있으며 사시약시와 굴절부등약시의 약시안은 얕은 수준의 단안 시기능 저하가 지속됨을 알 수 있었다. <한안지 47(6):947-953, 2006>

Purpose: This study was undertaken to investigate the binocular and monocular visual function in successfully treated amblyopes. Methods: Sixty-nine patients who gained normal visual acuity after amblyopia treatment and twenty normal controls were enrolled in this study. Binocular and monocular visual function was assessed with a stereoacuity test and a foveal threshold test respectively. Main outcomes were compared among the groups and factors which affect final visual function were determined. Results: Stereoacuity showed 224.6 seconds of arc in strabismic amblyopia group, 91.8 seconds of arc in anisometropic amblyopia group, 74.3 seconds of arc in visual-deprivation amblyopia group, and 46.5 seconds of arc in control group. The strabismic amblyopia group after successful amblyopia treatment showed a significant decreased stereoacuity (p=0.000) and linear relationship between the depth of amblyopia and stereoacuity (r=0.448, p=0.002). A 1.0-dB depression of the foveal threshold, compared with sound eye, was found in amblyopic eyes of the strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia groups. Conclusions: An abnormal binocular visual function remains after amblyopia treatment in cases of strabismic amblyopia because of a suppression or insufficient bifoveal fusion during critical period, despite of normal visual acuity development, and there is a shallow foveal depression in amblyopic eyes of patient in the strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia groups. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 47(6):947-953, 2006

Purpose: This study was undertaken to investigate the binocular and monocular visual function in successfully treated amblyopes. Methods: Sixty-nine patients who gained normal visual acuity after amblyopia treatment and twenty normal controls were enrolled in this study. Binocular and monocular visual function was assessed with a stereoacuity test and a foveal threshold test respectively. Main outcomes were compared among the groups and factors which affect final visual function were determined. Results: Stereoacuity showed 224.6 seconds of arc in strabismic amblyopia group, 91.8 seconds of arc in anisometropic amblyopia group, 74.3 seconds of arc in visual-deprivation amblyopia group, and 46.5 seconds of arc in control group. The strabismic amblyopia group after successful amblyopia treatment showed a significant decreased stereoacuity (p=0.000) and linear relationship between the depth of amblyopia and stereoacuity (r=0.448, p=0.002). A 1.0-dB depression of the foveal threshold, compared with sound eye, was found in amblyopic eyes of the strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia groups. Conclusions: An abnormal binocular visual function remains after amblyopia treatment in cases of strabismic amblyopia because of a suppression or insufficient bifoveal fusion during critical period, despite of normal visual acuity development, and there is a shallow foveal depression in amblyopic eyes of patient in the strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia groups. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 47(6):947-953, 2006

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Amblyopia, Foveal threshold, Stereoacuity, Visual function