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목적: 미숙아의 안축장 길이를 측정하여 미숙아망막증 유무 및 stage, 성별, 출생 주수, 출생 체중 및 동반 질환과의 관계에 대해 알아보았다. 대상과 방법: 임신 주수 36주 미만의 미숙아 51명, 102안에 대해 안저 검사 후, 임신 주수 40주, 52주, 64주경에 안축장을 측정하였고,후향적 의무기록 분석을 시행하여, 미숙아망막증 유무, stage, 출생 주수, 출생 체중 및 동반질환에 대한 상관관계를 회귀 분석과 독립T-검정, 일원배치 분산분석을 시행하였다. 결과: 미숙아망막증과 안축장은 임신 40주에 측정한 값이 미숙아망막증이 있는 군에서 더 작았고, stage가 증가할수록 더 작았다(p<0.05). 출생 체중과 안축장과의 관계는 40주에 측정한 값과 유의한 양의 상관관계가 있었으며(p=0.002), 출생 주수가 길수록 임신주수 40주의 안축장이 증가하는 결과를 보였다(p=0.000). 하지만 성별, 동반 질환등과는 유의한 상관관계가 나타나지 않았다. 결론: 미숙아 안의 안축장에 영향을 끼치는 인자로는 40주 때, 출생 체중과 출생 주수, 미숙아망막증 유무 및 stage가 있고, 성별,동반 질환 등은 관련 없었다.

Purpose: To analyze the effect of presence with or absent of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and its stage, birth weight, conceptual age and associated diseases on the axial length of premature infants’ eye. Methods: A total of 102 eyes of 51 premature infants less than 36 weeks of conceptual age were evaluated in this study. Fundus examination for ROP and axial length measurement were conducted at 40, 52 and 64 weeks of postconceptual age. The medical records were reviewed retrospectively. Independent t-test analysis, simple regression analysis, and one-way ANOVA were performed to assess the influence of each factor on axial length. Results: The mean axial length at 40, 52 and 64 weeks were 17.35, 18.80 and 19.78 mm, respectively. The mean axial length with and without ROP at 40 weeks were 17.10 mm and 17.54 mm, respectively, which were statistically significant (p=0.000). There was a significant decrease in axial length at 40 weeks in the higher ROP stage (p<0.05). Axial length and birth weight showed positive correlation with statistical significance at 40 weeks, while these parameters showed no significant correlation at 64weeks. Axial length and conceptual age showed a positive correlation with statistical significance at 40 weeks (p=0.000), yet a negative correlation at 64 weeks with no statistical significance (p=0.306). A significant difference was not observed between sex and the associated diseases. Conclusions: The factors that affect the axial length of an infants’eye at 40 weeks were ROP and its stage, birth weight, and conceptual age. Additionally, there was no significant relationship between sex and the associated diseases.