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목적: 예방적 건강 검진과 건강 행태, 정신 건강을 통해 시각 장애인에 대한 이해를 넓히고자 하였다. 대상과 방법: 제3기 국민 건강 영양 조사를 완료한 40세 이상의 성인 4,724명에서의 예방적 건강 검진과 건강 행태, 정신건강의 차이를비 장애인, 비 시각 장애인, 시각 장애인으로 분류하여 비보정 평균과 사회 인구 통계학적 변수를 보정한 평균을 통해 밝혔다. 결과: 시각 장애인은 콜레스테롤 검사를 더 받았으나(p˂0.05), 이외의 항목에서는 세 군간의 차이가 없었다. 평생 흡연자와 규칙적인신체 활동은 시각 장애인과 비 장애인에서는 비슷하였고 비 시각 장애인들에서 많았다(각각 p˂0.05, p˂0.01). 정신건강에 대한 분석결과에서는 보정 전과 보정 후 모두에서 주요 우울증 삽화, 자살성사고, 자살시도, 정신상담이 비 시각 장애인과 시각 장애인에서 높았으나(모두 p˂0.01) 전체적인 정신상담의 수행 정도는 낮았다. 결론: 예방적 건강행태는 비교적 잘 수행되고 있으나 정신건강측면의 시각 장애인의 취약함은 안과의사로서 시각장애 판정을 넘어서,그들의 고충을 이해하고 협의 진료 등의 방법을 이용한 포괄적, 전인적 의료행위가 필요함을 말해준다.

Purpose: To better understand visual disabilities via preventative health examination, health behavior, and psychological health. Methods: The preventative health examination, health behavior, and psychological health records of 4,724 participants over the age of 40 who completed the third Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III) were analyzed. The participants were divided into 3 groups for analysis: subjects without disabilities, subjects with disabilities but without visual disabilities, and subjects with visual disabilities. The unadjusted mean and the adjusted mean for which socioeconomic factors were adjusted were calculated. Results: In the preventative health examination there were no differences between the 3 groups except for a statistically significant increase in the number of cholesterol check-ups in the visual disability group. In the health-related behavior analysis, lifetime smoking and routine physical activity were similar between the visual disability and no disability group,however, these factors were greater in the disability without visual disability group. The analysis of psychological health revealed that major depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts and psychological consultations were greater in the disability without visual disability and the visual disability groups compared to the participants without disability. However the overall number of psychological consultations was low. Conclusions: There was no difference in the frequency of preventative health examinations between each group. However, there was an increase in the prevalence of psychological problems in subjects with visual disabilities compared to subjects without disabilities and subjects with disabilities but without visual disabilities. Thus, ophthalmologists should consider psychological aspects when dealing with patients with visual disturbances.

Purpose: To better understand visual disabilities via preventative health examination, health behavior, and psychological health. Methods: The preventative health examination, health behavior, and psychological health records of 4,724 participants over the age of 40 who completed the third Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III) were analyzed. The participants were divided into 3 groups for analysis: subjects without disabilities, subjects with disabilities but without visual disabilities, and subjects with visual disabilities. The unadjusted mean and the adjusted mean for which socioeconomic factors were adjusted were calculated. Results: In the preventative health examination there were no differences between the 3 groups except for a statistically significant increase in the number of cholesterol check-ups in the visual disability group. In the health-related behavior analysis, lifetime smoking and routine physical activity were similar between the visual disability and no disability group,however, these factors were greater in the disability without visual disability group. The analysis of psychological health revealed that major depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts and psychological consultations were greater in the disability without visual disability and the visual disability groups compared to the participants without disability. However the overall number of psychological consultations was low. Conclusions: There was no difference in the frequency of preventative health examinations between each group. However, there was an increase in the prevalence of psychological problems in subjects with visual disabilities compared to subjects without disabilities and subjects with disabilities but without visual disabilities. Thus, ophthalmologists should consider psychological aspects when dealing with patients with visual disturbances.