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현재 우리사회는 출산율의 저하와 의학발달 등에 따른 기대수명 연장으로 빠른 인구고령화를 경험하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우리사회의 노후소득보장 대책은 미흡한 수준으로 고령자들의 노후생활에 대한 불안감이 팽배한 실정이다. 이러한 실정에서 고령층의 높은 주택보유율을 바탕으로 고령자에게 보유주택을 담보로 사망 또는 주택 매각 시까지 노후생활에 필요한 자금을 연금형태로 지급하는 역모기지 제도는 다층노후소득보장체계의 한 대안으로 논의되고 있다.본 연구는 다층노후소득보장의 일환으로 논의되고 있는 역모기지의 사례를 살펴보고 최근 한국주택공사에서 보증하고 시판되기 시작한 주택연금이 노인빈곤의 완화에 미치는 효과를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 주택연금은 노인가구 전반에 걸친 소득상승의 효과를 주고 있으며 빈곤의 감소에도 긍정적 영향을 주고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 특히 가구주의 연령이 75세 이상일 때 빈곤율이 급격히 감소하며 주택가격이 최소 1억원 이상일 때 빈곤율의 감소효과가 뚜렷이 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 주택가격이 1억원 이하의 노인가구주의 경우 가구소득의 상승이나 빈곤율의 감소가 그리 크지 않은 것으로 드러났다. 따라서 국민기초생활보장제도의 수급자와 생활은 유사하나 보유자산 등으로 인해 수급자로 선정되지 못한 저소득 고령가구의 경우 주택연금과 공공부조제도 간의 효과적인 연계를 통한 통합지원방안이 필요하다.

Effects of Reverse Mortgage on the Reduction of Elderly Poverty Kim, An-na (Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs) Korea is rapidly aging due to declines in birth rate and increases in life expectancy. However, the insufficient income security system for the aged in Korea makes them worry about their present and future life. Against this background, reverse mortgage system, in which a certain amount of pension is provided on the security of house, is widely discussed as an alternative to the existing income security system for the aged. This paper examines the cases of reverse mortgage and analyzes the effect of the publicly-supported reverse mortgage(‘Housing Pension’) on the reduction of elderly poverty. The result shows that the reverse mortgage has in general positive impact on the increase in household income as well as on the reduction of elderly poverty. However, the extent of income increase or poverty reduction is not sufficiently great in the case of the aged with a house worth less than 100 million won. This result implies that the reverse mortgage may have limited effect on poverty reduction and that an effective link between reverse mortgage and public support system is needed for the low-income elderly households. Key words: reverse mortgage, old age income security, poverty reduction effect, Housing Pension

Effects of Reverse Mortgage on the Reduction of Elderly Poverty Kim, An-na (Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs) Korea is rapidly aging due to declines in birth rate and increases in life expectancy. However, the insufficient income security system for the aged in Korea makes them worry about their present and future life. Against this background, reverse mortgage system, in which a certain amount of pension is provided on the security of house, is widely discussed as an alternative to the existing income security system for the aged. This paper examines the cases of reverse mortgage and analyzes the effect of the publicly-supported reverse mortgage(‘Housing Pension’) on the reduction of elderly poverty. The result shows that the reverse mortgage has in general positive impact on the increase in household income as well as on the reduction of elderly poverty. However, the extent of income increase or poverty reduction is not sufficiently great in the case of the aged with a house worth less than 100 million won. This result implies that the reverse mortgage may have limited effect on poverty reduction and that an effective link between reverse mortgage and public support system is needed for the low-income elderly households. Key words: reverse mortgage, old age income security, poverty reduction effect, Housing Pension