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본 연구는 우리나라에서 공공복지 실무자의 직무특성을 다룬 연구로서 사회복지전담공무원에 대한 학계의 관심을 촉구하고 공공복지 영역에서 사회복지전문직으로서의 위치를 공고히 하고자 하는 데 기여하기 위한 목적으로서 시도되었다. 사회복지전담공무원의 조직역량에 따른 직무특성으로서 조직풍토, 직무전문성, 역할 및 권한이 자기효능감에 어느 정도 영향을 미치는지 밝히고자 전라북도 지역소재 사회복지전담공무원 124명을 대상으로 실증 조사하였다. 그 결과 조직역량에 따른 직무특성의 범주로써 조직풍토, 직무전문성, 역할 및 권한이 자기효능감에 미치는 중요기제임을 확인시켜 주었고, 자기효능감 또한 동기, 인지, 정서적 요인 모두 정(+)적 상관성을 갖는 것으로 나타나 매우 유의한 속성임을 입증시켜주었다. 따라서 과제수행에 대한 기대감을 높일 수 있도록 경력과 자기효능감 정도에 따라 선별적인 역할부여가 요구된다.

This study, which is deal with the job-distinguishing mark of public welfare staff in charge, had a try to contribute to as the purpose in which demand the academic world’s people to concern about the exclusive responsibility-official and is conducive for firm up the position of social welfare-profession in Korea. Our analysis has found that the part of jobs-special quality, in which according to the organization’s ability of social welfare people, such as jobs-specificity, roles and authority made certain that these are important factors. Moreover, a sense of self-property which is also has positive interrelationship as if motive, human knowledge affective factors has beared out that it is also similarity property.

This study, which is deal with the job-distinguishing mark of public welfare staff in charge, had a try to contribute to as the purpose in which demand the academic world’s people to concern about the exclusive responsibility-official and is conducive for firm up the position of social welfare-profession in Korea. Our analysis has found that the part of jobs-special quality, in which according to the organization’s ability of social welfare people, such as jobs-specificity, roles and authority made certain that these are important factors. Moreover, a sense of self-property which is also has positive interrelationship as if motive, human knowledge affective factors has beared out that it is also similarity property.