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한국유학사의 분류방법으로서 주로 主理派, 主氣派 개념을 쓰고 있다. 이러한 분류방법은 다까하시 도루가 처음 썼다. 하지만 이 개념은 객관적이지 못하고 편파적이다. 왜냐하면 당시에 主理=正學, 主氣=異端으로 사용했기 때문이다. 다까하시는 이황=주리파, 이이=주기파라고 분류하였는데 그것은 곧 이황=정학, 이이=이단이 될 수밖에 없다. 이 때문에 객관적이지 못한 것이다. 본래 주리, 주기개념은 이황이 四端=主理, 七情=主氣라고 정의하면서 처음으로 등장하였다. 영남유림 柳 은 이이의 理氣설을 主氣論이며 異端이라고 비판하면서 개념의 변화가 일어났다. 이러한 개념의 변화는 근현대에 이진상학파와 전우학파간의 主理.主氣논쟁에서 더욱더 잘 드러난다. 이진상학파는 이황의 계승자라고 자처하면서 자신의 心卽理說을 主理, 正學이라 칭하였으나 이이학파의 心卽氣說을 主氣, 異端이라고 비판하였다. 반면에 이이의 계승자 田愚는 心卽氣說을 主理, 正學이라 하고 이진상의 心卽理說을 主氣, 異端이라고 반박하였다. 그후 대를 이어 양학파는 논쟁을 계속하며 서로를 비판하였다. 물론 이황의 四端=主理, 七情=主氣의 용어가 완전히 사라진 것은 아니다.당시 다까하시는 主理=正學, 主氣=異端이라고 사용하고 있는 것을 알고 있었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 李滉=主理, 李珥=主氣라고 한 것은 이황을 지나치게 두둔하는 것이며 객관성을 상실한 편파적인 견해이다. 그의 「李朝儒學史に於ける主理派主氣派の發達」은 1928년에 발표한 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 객관성을 잃은 그의 분류방법을 국내학자들이 아직도 쓰고 있다는 것은 문제이다.

History of Korean Confucianism have been writing the school of Churi(主理) and the school of Chuki(主氣). It was begun by Dakahasi Doraw. But it was not the object and the one-side. Because it wrote Churi(主理) is the orthodox and Chuki(主氣) is the heterodoxy. Dakahasi Doraw wrote Yi Whang is Churi(主理) and Yi Yi is Chuki(主氣). That is to say, which means that Yi Hwang is the orthodox and Yi Yi is the heterodoxy. Originally, Yi Whang wrote Four clue is Churi(主理) and Seven feeling is Chuki(主氣). the school of Yi Whang of Yoo Cheek critik that Yi Yi is Chuki(主氣) and it is the heterodoxy. Yi Chin Sang claimed the Theary that Heart is Principles is - Churi(主理) - the orthodox and the Theary that Heart is vigor - Chuki(主氣) - the heterodoxy. Yi Chin Sang is the school of Yi Whang. But Cheon Woo claimed the Theary that Heart is Vigor is - Churi(主理) - the orthodox and the Theary that Heart is Principles is - Chuki(主氣) - the heterodoxy. By this, another day continued on the controversy between the school of Yi Chin Sang and the school of Cheon Woo. Dakahasi Doraw has been knowing Churi(主理) is the orthodox and Chuki(主氣) is the heterodoxy. Because it was not the object and the one-side. He wrote 1928. Nevertheless we wrote Yi Whang is Churi(主理) and Yi Yi is Chuki(主氣). we must repair.

History of Korean Confucianism have been writing the school of Churi(主理) and the school of Chuki(主氣). It was begun by Dakahasi Doraw. But it was not the object and the one-side. Because it wrote Churi(主理) is the orthodox and Chuki(主氣) is the heterodoxy. Dakahasi Doraw wrote Yi Whang is Churi(主理) and Yi Yi is Chuki(主氣). That is to say, which means that Yi Hwang is the orthodox and Yi Yi is the heterodoxy. Originally, Yi Whang wrote Four clue is Churi(主理) and Seven feeling is Chuki(主氣). the school of Yi Whang of Yoo Cheek critik that Yi Yi is Chuki(主氣) and it is the heterodoxy. Yi Chin Sang claimed the Theary that Heart is Principles is - Churi(主理) - the orthodox and the Theary that Heart is vigor - Chuki(主氣) - the heterodoxy. Yi Chin Sang is the school of Yi Whang. But Cheon Woo claimed the Theary that Heart is Vigor is - Churi(主理) - the orthodox and the Theary that Heart is Principles is - Chuki(主氣) - the heterodoxy. By this, another day continued on the controversy between the school of Yi Chin Sang and the school of Cheon Woo. Dakahasi Doraw has been knowing Churi(主理) is the orthodox and Chuki(主氣) is the heterodoxy. Because it was not the object and the one-side. He wrote 1928. Nevertheless we wrote Yi Whang is Churi(主理) and Yi Yi is Chuki(主氣). we must repair.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Churi, Chuki, the orthodox, the heterodoxy. the Theary that Heart is Principle, the Theary that Heart is vigor, 主理, 主氣, 異端, 正學, 心卽理, 心卽氣