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저자들은 복부불쾌감과 구토, 구역질, 현기증을 주소로 내원한 56세 남자환자에서 간담도 DISIDA스캔으로 알코올성 간염과 무결석성 담낭염을 동반한 장 무회전을 진단하고 이를 치료한 결과를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

The most common developmental anomaly of midgut rotation and fixation is non-rotation. Symptomatic intestinal malrotation is relatively common in infants and children but uncommon in later ages. Most adult cases are silent throughout life and are not discovered unless they cause acute or chronic abdominal pain. Many such patients have ill-defined abdominal complaints and are labeled as having a “functional” disorder since no definite clinical abnormalities are found other than the subjective complaints. The most frequent symptomatic presentation in the adult is midgut volvulus the symptom of which is usually self-limited although often recurrent and sometimes leading to an abdominal catastrophe. The diagnostic means for the adulthood malrotation include simple and contrast radiographic studies and CT scan. Malrotation first detected by cholescintigraphy is rare. We report a case of intestinal non-rotation incidentally discovered on DISIDA hepatobiliary scintiscan.(Korean J Med 62:566-569, 2002)

The most common developmental anomaly of midgut rotation and fixation is non-rotation. Symptomatic intestinal malrotation is relatively common in infants and children but uncommon in later ages. Most adult cases are silent throughout life and are not discovered unless they cause acute or chronic abdominal pain. Many such patients have ill-defined abdominal complaints and are labeled as having a “functional” disorder since no definite clinical abnormalities are found other than the subjective complaints. The most frequent symptomatic presentation in the adult is midgut volvulus the symptom of which is usually self-limited although often recurrent and sometimes leading to an abdominal catastrophe. The diagnostic means for the adulthood malrotation include simple and contrast radiographic studies and CT scan. Malrotation first detected by cholescintigraphy is rare. We report a case of intestinal non-rotation incidentally discovered on DISIDA hepatobiliary scintiscan.(Korean J Med 62:566-569, 2002)

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Intestinal non-rotation, Malrotation, DISIDA scan