초록 열기/닫기 버튼

저자 등은 최근 담낭절제술을 시행받은 후에 발생된 - 109 - - 대한내과학회지 : 제 65 권 제 1 호 통권 제 515 호 2003 - 간기능 이상과 조절되지 않는 복수를 주소로 내원한 환 자에서 진단된 유전분증 1예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다.

Amyloidosis is a heterogenous group of often fatal disorders characterized by extracellular deposition of a proteinaceous material with a unique fibrillar form in various tissues and organs. Deposition of amyloid may cause widespread dysfunction of the involved organs. Recently, we experienced a case of 40-year-old male patient with nephrotic syndrome, uncontrolled ascites and jaundice, which developed after cholecystectomy. We confirmed systemic amyloidosis involving kidney, liver and peritoneum by kidney and liver and peritoneum biopsy. The case that, having about a month of incubation period after cholecystectomy, amyloidosis occurred in a healthy man before the operation, and that amyloid was deposited in the peritoneum site incised during the operation provides grounds that amyloidosis may be triggered by cholecystectomy. Given the rarity of this case, the following is a report of this case and a review of the relevant literatures.(Korean J Med 65:104-110, 2003)

Amyloidosis is a heterogenous group of often fatal disorders characterized by extracellular deposition of a proteinaceous material with a unique fibrillar form in various tissues and organs. Deposition of amyloid may cause widespread dysfunction of the involved organs. Recently, we experienced a case of 40-year-old male patient with nephrotic syndrome, uncontrolled ascites and jaundice, which developed after cholecystectomy. We confirmed systemic amyloidosis involving kidney, liver and peritoneum by kidney and liver and peritoneum biopsy. The case that, having about a month of incubation period after cholecystectomy, amyloidosis occurred in a healthy man before the operation, and that amyloid was deposited in the peritoneum site incised during the operation provides grounds that amyloidosis may be triggered by cholecystectomy. Given the rarity of this case, the following is a report of this case and a review of the relevant literatures.(Korean J Med 65:104-110, 2003)

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Systemic amyloidosis, Liver, Kidney, Peritoneum