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스티븐스존슨증후군/독성표피괴사융해증은 생명을 위협할 만큼 위험한 질환으로 대개 약물의 부작용으로 발생한다. 그러나 음식물로 인하여 발생하는 경우는 드물며, 특히 옻닭 섭취 후 발생한 스티븐스존슨증후군/독성표피괴사융해증의 보고는 없었다. 이에 저자들은 특별한 약물 복용력 없이 옻닭 섭취 후 급성콩팥기능상실을 동반하여 발생한 스티븐슨존슨증후군/독성표피괴사융해증을 진단하고 치료한 경험 1예가 있어 문헌고찰과 함께 보고한다.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are severe, diffuse mucocutaneous reactions that can be elicited by drugs, infection, malignancy, and herbal supplements. A wide variety of mucocutaneous events, such as systemic contact dermatitis, have been reported to be elicited by Rhus chicken, although cases of SJS and TEN are rare. Here, we present a case of SJS caused by Rhus-chicken ingestion. A 48-year-old man who wanted to improve his health and treat a gastrointestinal problem ingested Rhus chicken in the traditional manner. Twenty-four hours later, he developed a multiple erythematous maculopapular skin rash with vesicles and bullaes on 30% of the body surface and multiple erosions on the lips. He was diagnosed with SJS/TEN and showed characteristic clinical findings induced by Rhus chicken. After the patient stopped Rhus-chicken ingestion and received methylprednisolone and antibiotics, his symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings improved. With this case, we emphasize that SJS and TEN can occur after ingesting Rhus chicken, although the incidence is very low. (Korean J Med 2011;81:680-684)