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완전방실차단은 보고에 따르면 전 세계적으로 약 0.04% 의 유병률을 보이는 드물지만 치료를 하지 않으면 치명적인결과를 가져올 수 있는 응급 질환이다. 증상은 비특이적이지만 혈역동학적으로 불안정한 경우가 많기 때문에 빠르고 정확한 심전도의 해석과 동시에 신속한 치료가 필요하다

A complete atrioventricular block is seen in patients due to a variety of causes, including drugs. The resolution of a drug-induced atrioventricular block is often accomplished by drug discontinuation. We report a case of a complete atrioventricular block in a 31-year-old woman following a month of treatment with evening primrose oils. After excluding all other likely causes of conduction disorders, an adverse effect of the evening primrose oils seemed to be the most likely diagnosis. After discontinuation of the oils, no associated symptoms or conduction disturbances were observed for 4 months after discharge. We stress the reconsideration of taking medicines and functional foods continuously as most patients are not aware of the hazards they pose.