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대동맥 축착증은 대동맥의 일부가 좁아지는 질환으로 터너증후군에서는 그 유병률이 약 3-20%로 보고되고 있다. 터너증후군을 가지고 있는 35세 여자 환자에서 승모판에 발생한 심내막염을 항생제로 치료한 후에 좌쇄골하 동맥 아래쪽에 발생한 대동맥 축착증을 풍선 확장술과 스텐트 삽입술을시행하여 치료하였다. 이후 12개월의 경과관찰 기간 동안 이상 소견 없이 유지되어 저자들은 문헌고찰과 함께 보고한다.

Cardiovascular malformations, such as bicuspid aortic valve and coarctation of the aorta, are more prevalent in patients with Turner syndrome than in the general population. Here, we describe the case of a 35-year-old female with Turner syndrome who was admitted to our hospital with a fever caused by infective endocarditis. Aortic coarctation was diagnosed using computed tomography. The patient was treated with antibiotics and a stent was then implanted. Endovascular therapy using stents is a safe and effective treatment option for aortic coarctation in patients with Turner syndrome.