초록 열기/닫기 버튼
Previous studies just emphasize the effectiveness of economic sanction against North Korean economy from the international community, the UN Security Council and national level. However, this paper aims to understand how economic sanctions against North Korea and Russia will impact on human exchanges and trade cross the East Sea Rim. While North Korea continues to pose nuclear tensions against the international community, while having tested the nuclear weapons and having launched the long-range missiles, so that powerful multilateral and bilateral sanctions against North Korea have been taken from the UN Security Council and each country. Since Japan's own sanctions against North Korea in 2006, it prohibited entering Mangyeongbong No.92 in Nigata, Japan which travelled the East Sea. The trade between North Korea and Japan was severed since 2010. As South Korea had decided to stop running the Kaesong industrial complex in early 2016, it has affected cutting off the Najin-Hasan project, which tested to bring in coals from Russia to South Korea via the Najin port in North Korea. From the theoretical lens, structural holes have been deepened in North Korea as a consequence of the economic sanctions. Accordingly, it prospects to provide an opportunity to activate the Russia-North Korea-China cooperation via the port.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
dependent network, cutting off network, economic sanctions against North Korea and Russia, East Sea Rim, human exchanges and trade