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More than 90% of international trade is being carried out through marine transportation. The necessity to consider environmental friendliness and stability for the ship-related issues is growing continuously. To prevent and solve oil spills, which are forming the largest part of marine environmental issues, it is important to increase the efficiency of ships. Energy efficiency improvement, as such, is also important in reducing greenhouse gas emission. This study introduced FSA technique to assess the economic value of oil spill and greenhouse gas reduction measures for marine transportation, and thus suggested a basis for decision making to avoid such environmental risks in marine trans- portation. In addition, it discussed the feasibility of applying this method as an environmental regulatory means. FSA can be used as an economic technique to lower the cost of disaster response as it enables prediction and prevention of risk factors in the fields of marine safety. IMO's effort to strengthen its influence for environmental issues will contribute to sustainable marine transportation industry development. For this, the government needs to continuously show interest in this issue and promote the related studies.