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The Trade Unions and Labor Relations Adjustment Act, it is prohibited the unfair labor practices, to admit relief through the Labor Relations Commission for unfair labor practices. If you look at the current state of the unfair labor practice relief system, less decision has find unfair labor practices. Often the decision has find that there is an unfair dismissal, but no unfair labor practice. This is because there is a problem on how to estimate the existence of unfair labor practices will. Theory that access to conflict of causal relationship, there is no solutions. Practice to be processed by the burden of proof, the Labor Relations Commission is evaluated as not their role. It shall provide a method capable of estimating the presence of unfair labor practices intention through guidance of LRC. This article has consider the cases of the Labor Relations Commission, and has typified by classifying the items that can be useful for estimating the existence of unfair labor practices will. So to make future manual it will provide a basis for discussion on legal consideration.