초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The legal status of undocumented foreign workers in Korean Labor Law is defined by the two decisions from the Supreme Court of Korea. One is the Court’s decision in 1995 concerning the legal status in individual employment law, and the other is the en banc decision in 2015 about the legal issues in collective labor law. These two judgements, introduced 20 years apart from each other, have great significance as they set principles regarding the future application of Labor Law in both employment relations and labor relations of undocumented foreign workers. Further specific issues surrounding the application of labor law on undocumented foreign workers are expected to be developed based on these two Court decisions. Even though these cases deal with two different areas of labor law, individual employment relations and collective labor relations, their implications and contents are interrelated. The two decisions structurally influence each other, as the both take the same approach to the legal character and purpose of the Immigration Control Act to solve related issues, and as individual aspects and collective aspects of labor relations are inseparable. Despite the judgements that are remarkable in both theoretical and practical view, considerable legal disputes related to undocumented foreign workers still remain unsolved. This study briefly looks into the two rulings to suggest the direction of solution to various legal issues regarding undocumented foreign workers(II), and reviews distinctive characteristics of undocumented foreign workers’ labor relations(III). Then the paper reviews several important issues related to undocumented foreign workers that require changes in the labor law principles, based on the premise that the labor law’s prevalent doctrines should still be applied to the undocumented workers with the exceptional changes due to their temporariness and lack of possibility in continuous employment since they could get deported by their illegal immigration status(IV). Lastly, the study examines the limitation of the current legal system of Korea towards undocumented foreign workers(V).