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인도의 독립운동가로서, 정치인으로서, 법률가로서, 철학자로서, 종교인으로서 마하트마 간디의 사상과 활동은 간디주의로 요약할 수 있으며, 간디주의는 그 실천철학을 사띠야그라하(眞理把持)로 정의하고 있다. 간디가 사띠야그라하 원칙을 민중들에게 설파하고 전파시킨 원동력은 간디 저널리즘, 즉 간디의 저널리즘적 활동을 기반으로 하고 있다. 그는 1904년 남아연방 나탈주의 더반에서 주간지 Indian Opinion의 편집을 맡은 이래 매주 칼럼 기고와 신문 발행을 통해 민중 교육에 나서 이후 10년 동안의 남아연방 식민정부와의 투쟁을 승리로 이끌었다. 이어서 1915년 인도 귀국 이후, 1919년 암리차르 대학살을 계기로 대영투쟁 일선에 나서면서 Young India와 Navajivan 두 주간지를 창간하여 사띠야그라하 운동의 전도지로 활용하면서 대대적인 인도 독립운동을 추진하였다. 그는 저널리스트로서, 저술가로서, 또 출판인으로서 간디 저널리즘의 영역을 다양하게 전개해나갔다. 동시에 간디 저널리즘은 신문ㆍ연설뿐 아니라 행진ㆍ명상ㆍ단식ㆍ기도ㆍ묵언 등 커뮤니케이션 수단을 다양화 하였고, 신문 발행의 목적을 대중에 대한 봉사에 두었으며, 일체 광고를 배격하는 등 기존의 저널리즘과는 다른 특이성을 내포하고 있다. 인도 독립운동 과정에서 이 같은 간디 저널리즘의 영향을 받은 신문들이 많은 독립운동가들에 의해 창간되었으며 대영항쟁에 큰 기여를 했던 것으로 기록되어 있다. 이들 간디 저널리즘의 역할은 정치적 의미 이외에 순수 저널리즘적 측면에서도 많은 기여를 했다. 우선 민중들의 언론에 대한 관심을 높였다는 사실이다. 당시 인도 민중들은 자신들의 매일매일의 생활지침을 신문을 통해 얻으려고 할 정도로 신문에 대한 관심이 높았다. 두 번째는 깨끗한 언론풍토 조성에 있다. 언론 경영의 목표를 영리추구에 두지 않고 민중에 대한 봉사에 두었기 때문에 광고나 협찬도 거부할 정도로 신문발행의 투명성을 높였다. 세 번째는 지역언론의 육성을 들 수 있다. 간디가 지방 도시인 아메다바드에서 신문을 발간한 것을 비롯하여 많은 지역 언론들이 전국적으로 클 수 있는 계기가 마련되었던 것이다. 네 번째는 어휘의 발달 및 토착어(Vernacular)의 발달을 들 수 있다. 많은 토착어 신문들이 발간됨으로써 토착어들이 균등하게 발전될 수 있었다. 따라서 간디 저널리즘은 인도 독립운동기에 간디에 의해 주도되었던 독특한 언론 양식으로 규정지을 수 있으며, 간디주의의 규명을 위하여 또한 사띠야그라하 원칙의 연구를 위하여 반드시 우선적인 연구대상이 되어야 하는 분야인 것이다. 결국 간디 저널리즘에 대한 독자적인 연구는 간디주의에 대한 연구는 물론 인도언론사 연구에 있어서도 그 인식의 지평을 넓혀주는 계기가 될 것이다.

As a patriot, a politician, a philosopher, a lawyer and a religious person, Mahatma Gandhi's thought and his activities in India's Independent Movement era are summarized as Gandhism. Gandhi's practical philosophy in Gandhism is defined as Satyagraha. Gandhi's driving force to persuade and penetrate to the people's mind is Gandhian Journalism that is based on Gandhi's journalistc activities. Since he had taken in charge of edition of weekly Indian Opinion which was published in Durban, Natal Province of South Africa Union, in 1904, he led Indian people to victory against their British Colonial Government by educating them through contribution of his articles and newspaper publications every week. After 1915 his return to India, when Amritsar massacre took place at Jallianwalla Bagh in Amritsar, the capital of Punjab state 1919, he entered into action against the British Raj to revolutionize Indian politics and to galvanize Indian masses. In seeking to mobilize mass resistance to the government, he published two new weeklies, Young India and Navajivan as a paper of evangelizing Satyagraha in India and activated India's Independent Movement variously. He extended the communication method in Gandhian Journalism to not only through newspapers and speeches but also marches, meditations, fasts, prays, even silences. Gandhian Journalism is different from previous journalism perfectly, looking upon journalism as a means to serve the people, rejecting advertisement in newspaper. In the midst of India's Independent Movement era, many newspapers which were affected by Gandhian Journalism like this, were launched by many swarajist. It is well known that these newspapers' contribution to the anti-British Raj Movement was enormous. Gandhian Journalism's contribution was also the pure Journalism aspect as well as above political aspect. Firstly, it made the mass interested in Journalism. The mass had a deep concerns about the newspapers as much as getting the guideline for daily life from them. Secondly, it kept the journalism climate cleaning because the purpose of journalsim management was the service to the mass not to make money. It improved transparency in newspaper publications, rejecting the advertisement and the sponsorship from others. Thirdly, it gave many local newspaper companies good chances for prosperous. Gandhi himself located the Navajivan company in Ahmedabad, Gujarat state. It gave many local newspapers to stimulus growing like center newspapers. Fourthly, it helped to develop the vocabularies of a few Vernaculars (Indian languages), especially in Hindi and Gujarati. Therefore, Gandhian Journalism can be characterized as a special journalistic pattern which was initiated by Gandhi during the India Indepdent Movement era. It is necessary to examine closely Gandhian Journalism for studying Gandhism or Satyagrahi Principles. Also the study of Gandhian Journalism will give a chance to enlarge the level of recognition in India's history of Journalism.

As a patriot, a politician, a philosopher, a lawyer and a religious person, Mahatma Gandhi's thought and his activities in India's Independent Movement era are summarized as Gandhism. Gandhi's practical philosophy in Gandhism is defined as Satyagraha. Gandhi's driving force to persuade and penetrate to the people's mind is Gandhian Journalism that is based on Gandhi's journalistc activities. Since he had taken in charge of edition of weekly Indian Opinion which was published in Durban, Natal Province of South Africa Union, in 1904, he led Indian people to victory against their British Colonial Government by educating them through contribution of his articles and newspaper publications every week. After 1915 his return to India, when Amritsar massacre took place at Jallianwalla Bagh in Amritsar, the capital of Punjab state 1919, he entered into action against the British Raj to revolutionize Indian politics and to galvanize Indian masses. In seeking to mobilize mass resistance to the government, he published two new weeklies, Young India and Navajivan as a paper of evangelizing Satyagraha in India and activated India's Independent Movement variously. He extended the communication method in Gandhian Journalism to not only through newspapers and speeches but also marches, meditations, fasts, prays, even silences. Gandhian Journalism is different from previous journalism perfectly, looking upon journalism as a means to serve the people, rejecting advertisement in newspaper. In the midst of India's Independent Movement era, many newspapers which were affected by Gandhian Journalism like this, were launched by many swarajist. It is well known that these newspapers' contribution to the anti-British Raj Movement was enormous. Gandhian Journalism's contribution was also the pure Journalism aspect as well as above political aspect. Firstly, it made the mass interested in Journalism. The mass had a deep concerns about the newspapers as much as getting the guideline for daily life from them. Secondly, it kept the journalism climate cleaning because the purpose of journalsim management was the service to the mass not to make money. It improved transparency in newspaper publications, rejecting the advertisement and the sponsorship from others. Thirdly, it gave many local newspaper companies good chances for prosperous. Gandhi himself located the Navajivan company in Ahmedabad, Gujarat state. It gave many local newspapers to stimulus growing like center newspapers. Fourthly, it helped to develop the vocabularies of a few Vernaculars (Indian languages), especially in Hindi and Gujarati. Therefore, Gandhian Journalism can be characterized as a special journalistic pattern which was initiated by Gandhi during the India Indepdent Movement era. It is necessary to examine closely Gandhian Journalism for studying Gandhism or Satyagrahi Principles. Also the study of Gandhian Journalism will give a chance to enlarge the level of recognition in India's history of Journalism.