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This study examined the nature of Tantric Buddhism, originality and literariness of Gyunyeo Hyang-ga. The following conclusions are drawn. First, Garland Sutra(華嚴經) which includes 「Bohyunhangwonpum」 contains important Esoteric Buddhist terminologies. 「Bohyunhangwonpum」, which was the basis of Gyunyeo's <Bohyunsipjongwonwang-ga>, was contained in Buddha-avatamsaka-mahvaipulya-stra(大方廣佛華嚴經) translated by monk Prajna Tripitaka(般若三藏). It described Vairocana(毘盧遮那佛). The text itself can be recognized the nature of Esoteric Buddhism. Therefore, Esoteric Buddhist nature become the basis ofGyunyeo's Hyang-ga. Second, Esoteric Buddhist nature is also shown in that Amitabha(阿彌陀佛) was referred to as King Amrta(甘露王) in Esoteric Buddhism, that several Esoteric Buddhist terminologies were used, and that singing song had effect of healing disease. Third, Gyunyeo's Hyang-ga well arranged the content of 「Bohyunhaengwonpum」 in its structure, grammatical person, and expression. Beyond that, it also shaw originality of Gyunyeo's own thinking and literary excellency in expression. Fourth, Esoteric Buddhist nature in Gyunyeo's Hyang-ga itself is shown in that the work contains ‘three sins of body, mouth and mind’(身語意業) which is important concept in Esoteric Buddhism, that Vairocana(毘盧遮那佛)is described as central Buddha, and that the world view of Mandara(曼多羅) and the thought of ‘one is all, all is one’(一卽多多卽一) are shown in the work.

This study examined the nature of Tantric Buddhism, originality and literariness of Gyunyeo Hyang-ga. The following conclusions are drawn. First, Garland Sutra(華嚴經) which includes 「Bohyunhangwonpum」 contains important Esoteric Buddhist terminologies. 「Bohyunhangwonpum」, which was the basis of Gyunyeo's <Bohyunsipjongwonwang-ga>, was contained in Buddha-avatamsaka-mahvaipulya-stra(大方廣佛華嚴經) translated by monk Prajna Tripitaka(般若三藏). It described Vairocana(毘盧遮那佛). The text itself can be recognized the nature of Esoteric Buddhism. Therefore, Esoteric Buddhist nature become the basis ofGyunyeo's Hyang-ga. Second, Esoteric Buddhist nature is also shown in that Amitabha(阿彌陀佛) was referred to as King Amrta(甘露王) in Esoteric Buddhism, that several Esoteric Buddhist terminologies were used, and that singing song had effect of healing disease. Third, Gyunyeo's Hyang-ga well arranged the content of 「Bohyunhaengwonpum」 in its structure, grammatical person, and expression. Beyond that, it also shaw originality of Gyunyeo's own thinking and literary excellency in expression. Fourth, Esoteric Buddhist nature in Gyunyeo's Hyang-ga itself is shown in that the work contains ‘three sins of body, mouth and mind’(身語意業) which is important concept in Esoteric Buddhism, that Vairocana(毘盧遮那佛)is described as central Buddha, and that the world view of Mandara(曼多羅) and the thought of ‘one is all, all is one’(一卽多多卽一) are shown in the work.