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본 논문은 제주지역과 광주지역 그리고 대구·경북지역 문학 연구에 나타나는 현상을 탈근대성의 입장에서 살펴본 것이다. 제주와 광주 지역 문학 연구에서는 그 지역이 지닌 4·3과 5·18이라는 역사적 특수성에 바탕한 지역 정체성을 문학 연구의 방향성으로 보여주었고, 대구·경북지역은 선비정신 나아가 유교라는 지역의 전통적인 사유방식을 지역의 정체성으로 삼아 논의가 진행되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 각 지역마다의 정체성에 기반을 둔 문학 연구가 지역문학 연구에 있어서 기본 방향이란 점에서 지역정체성의 문제가 결국 중요한 화두가 될 수밖에 없다. 이러한 지역문학 연구에서 나타나는 지역 정체성의 추구가 탈근대성으로 해석될 수 있는 이유는 다음과 같다. 첫째는 지역이 지닌 특수성의 추구를 통해 보편성을 해체시킨다는 점에서 탈근대적인 양상을 찾아볼 수 있다. 이 지역적 특수성은 기존 연구에서 나타나는 보편적인 가치체계를 허물 수 있는 토대를 제공한다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 이러한 지역적 특수성의 인식은 하나의 중심을 전제한 보편적 세계인식을 해체한다는 점에서 탈근대적이라 할 수 있다. 둘째는 앞선 논의에서 나타난 지역의 특수성에 기초한 결과로서 나타나는 현상이다. 즉 각 지역마다의 특수성을 다 인정함으로써 유일성보다는 다양성을 추구한다는 점에서 탈근대적인 모습을 지닌다고 본다. 근대성이 유일성을 추구해왔다면, 탈근대성은 다원성을 추구하는 경향을 지닌다. 이런 측면에서 지역문학 연구에서 나타나는 특성의 하나는 각 지역마다의 주체성을 인정하고, 이를 토대로 유일성을 초극하는 다양한 지역문학의 체계를 세워간다는 점에서 탈근대적인 성향을 지니고 있다고 할 수 있다.

I have researched the phenomenon found in the literature study of Jeju, Gwang Ju, and Dae-gu, Kyung-buk region in the aspect of postmodernism. In the study of Jeju and Gwang-ju region, it showed the regional identity as the direction of literature study based on the historical characteristic which the region possesses. In the study of Dae-gu, Kyung-buk region, it was revealed that the study was based on the spirit of scholar, also Confucianism, which is the regional traditional method of reasoning as the regional identity. In that the basic direction for regional literature study is based on the regional identity, it is the problem of regional identity that must be the topic of the discussion. In fact, there are various topics dealt in the regional literature study. Various aspects like the regional writer, work, and background can be discussed. The topic, however, should be dealt ultimately in the regional literature study is the regional identity, which can be found in the work deals with the region. Still, the regional identity cannot be easily defined. The regional identity of one region is not unchangeable but formulated changing at the same time. The regional identity comes from the characteristic of the region. The region is consists of three components; the space which consists of physical background, the human as the subject of life, and the society as the human group. Therefore, it is the concept which is constructed as the result of reasoning of human being, accumulated and mingled of various layer of human lives. The region itself, is a cognitive being, which exists as conceptual structure rather than exists objectively as real being. That is, it has the characteristic of imaginative community which is constructed in imagination by regional members' classification. It means that the regionalism should be understood not by simple geographical or structural aspects but relational and contextual aspects. The issue is that as the recognition of these regions are discussed newly, there are various investigation works being realized for creating the regional image. Especially for the researchers of regional literature, the investigation of the regional identity is the nature of the study and also the critical issue as the ultimate destination. The part which should be realized in the study of the regional literature study should find the characteristic of that region, which is, the regional identity and be given the consequence and be systematized in the work. Then it is need to explain about in what aspects the pursue of regional identity has the characteristic of Postmodernism. First, it is Post -modern in point that it is to deconstruct the universality through the pursue of the particularity of the region. Until now, the main current of Korea literature study was limited to the writer or works which consist of center in the history of literature. The writer, the object of literature study was the people who were at the center of history of Korean literature. However, owing to the study of regional literature, the established frame of literature study is being demolished as the regional writers, who were not evaluated properly, are newly evaluated and discussed. Also the writer who were evaluated in the history of Korean literature as well as the regional writer are being newly evaluated. In the basis of the evaluation, the particularity of the writers is considered. The regional particularity has the importance in the aspect that is provides the foundation for demolishing the universal system of value. The recognition of the regional particularity is post-modern in aspect that it deconstruct the general recognition of world. However, the regional study in the Korean literature is place in the hybrid situation of postmodernism and modernism in aspects that Korean literature study has been pursing the global universality through the Korean virtue and the particularity of region should seek after the universality. There left another problem that primarily through the discovery of regionalism is post-modern in aspect that it makes an opening in the universality which is aimed by the study of Korean literature, the particularity itself is not free from the universality ultimately. Second, it is the phenomenon which came from the result based on the regional particularity. That is, it is post-modern in the points that it seeks the diversity rather the soleness as it recognizes the characteristics of each region. While modernism purses the soleness, postmodernism pursues the diversity. In this aspect, one characteristic found in the study of regional literature, it recognizes the identity of each region and based on that, it build the system of regional literature, which is Post-modern. It pursues the pluralism which is the characteristic of Post-modernism in that the particularity of each region finally brings diversity.

I have researched the phenomenon found in the literature study of Jeju, Gwang Ju, and Dae-gu, Kyung-buk region in the aspect of postmodernism. In the study of Jeju and Gwang-ju region, it showed the regional identity as the direction of literature study based on the historical characteristic which the region possesses. In the study of Dae-gu, Kyung-buk region, it was revealed that the study was based on the spirit of scholar, also Confucianism, which is the regional traditional method of reasoning as the regional identity. In that the basic direction for regional literature study is based on the regional identity, it is the problem of regional identity that must be the topic of the discussion. In fact, there are various topics dealt in the regional literature study. Various aspects like the regional writer, work, and background can be discussed. The topic, however, should be dealt ultimately in the regional literature study is the regional identity, which can be found in the work deals with the region. Still, the regional identity cannot be easily defined. The regional identity of one region is not unchangeable but formulated changing at the same time. The regional identity comes from the characteristic of the region. The region is consists of three components; the space which consists of physical background, the human as the subject of life, and the society as the human group. Therefore, it is the concept which is constructed as the result of reasoning of human being, accumulated and mingled of various layer of human lives. The region itself, is a cognitive being, which exists as conceptual structure rather than exists objectively as real being. That is, it has the characteristic of imaginative community which is constructed in imagination by regional members' classification. It means that the regionalism should be understood not by simple geographical or structural aspects but relational and contextual aspects. The issue is that as the recognition of these regions are discussed newly, there are various investigation works being realized for creating the regional image. Especially for the researchers of regional literature, the investigation of the regional identity is the nature of the study and also the critical issue as the ultimate destination. The part which should be realized in the study of the regional literature study should find the characteristic of that region, which is, the regional identity and be given the consequence and be systematized in the work. Then it is need to explain about in what aspects the pursue of regional identity has the characteristic of Postmodernism. First, it is Post -modern in point that it is to deconstruct the universality through the pursue of the particularity of the region. Until now, the main current of Korea literature study was limited to the writer or works which consist of center in the history of literature. The writer, the object of literature study was the people who were at the center of history of Korean literature. However, owing to the study of regional literature, the established frame of literature study is being demolished as the regional writers, who were not evaluated properly, are newly evaluated and discussed. Also the writer who were evaluated in the history of Korean literature as well as the regional writer are being newly evaluated. In the basis of the evaluation, the particularity of the writers is considered. The regional particularity has the importance in the aspect that is provides the foundation for demolishing the universal system of value. The recognition of the regional particularity is post-modern in aspect that it deconstruct the general recognition of world. However, the regional study in the Korean literature is place in the hybrid situation of postmodernism and modernism in aspects that Korean literature study has been pursing the global universality through the Korean virtue and the particularity of region should seek after the universality. There left another problem that primarily through the discovery of regionalism is post-modern in aspect that it makes an opening in the universality which is aimed by the study of Korean literature, the particularity itself is not free from the universality ultimately. Second, it is the phenomenon which came from the result based on the regional particularity. That is, it is post-modern in the points that it seeks the diversity rather the soleness as it recognizes the characteristics of each region. While modernism purses the soleness, postmodernism pursues the diversity. In this aspect, one characteristic found in the study of regional literature, it recognizes the identity of each region and based on that, it build the system of regional literature, which is Post-modern. It pursues the pluralism which is the characteristic of Post-modernism in that the particularity of each region finally brings diversity.