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<용궁부연록>은 『금오신화』의 다섯 작품 가운데 마지막에 실려 있는 작품이다. 이런 점에서 <용궁부연록>의 의미를 찾아보는 일은 『금오신화』를 통해 드러내려 했던 김시습의 생각이 최종적으로 어떻게 수렴되고 있는가를 알아볼 수 있다는 점에서 중요한 의의를 갖는다. 이 글에서는 작중인물들의 시(詩)에 나타난 애조의 정서에 주목하여 애조의 정서가 갖는 의미를 작품의 서사적 전개과정과 연결해서 찾아보려 했다. 그 결과 <용궁부연록>은 지배질서에서 소외되었던 한생이 용궁에서의 체험을 통해 세속적인 가치며 욕망의 부질없음을 깨닫고 자연과 벗하며 살아감으로써 정신적 자유를 확보한 작품이라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이것은 세조의 정변 이후 절망과 비애에 사로잡혀 있던 김시습이 자연과 벗하며 살아감으로써 정신적 자유를 얻으려 했던 심경을 작품화 한 것이라고 할 수 있다.

Yonggung Buyeonrok(龍宮赴宴錄) is the last one among five works that consist of Kumo Shinhwa(金鰲新話). In this respect, it is very important to understand the meaning of Yonggung Buyeonrok(龍宮赴宴錄), for we can see what is the ultimate intention of Kim Siseup(金時習), who was trying to express through Kumo Shinhwa. In this paper, I tried to show the characters’ sorrowful tone in Yonggung Buyeonrok. In addition, I tried to find out what is the meaning of the emotion of sorrowful tone in relation to the narrative process. As a result, I came to know that Yonggung Buyeonrok is the work which the protagonist Han Saeng(韓生), who was alienated from the Royal court, was invited to the Sea King’s Palace, and realised that the secular affairs and desires in this world were of no value. In conclusion, this shows that Kim Siseup, who was in the state of despair and sorrow after “Gyeyu Geongran(癸酉靖亂)”, wanted to seek the freedom of mind through making a living with nature, and Yonggung Buyeonrok was written for revealing his heart like this.

Yonggung Buyeonrok(龍宮赴宴錄) is the last one among five works that consist of Kumo Shinhwa(金鰲新話). In this respect, it is very important to understand the meaning of Yonggung Buyeonrok(龍宮赴宴錄), for we can see what is the ultimate intention of Kim Siseup(金時習), who was trying to express through Kumo Shinhwa. In this paper, I tried to show the characters’ sorrowful tone in Yonggung Buyeonrok. In addition, I tried to find out what is the meaning of the emotion of sorrowful tone in relation to the narrative process. As a result, I came to know that Yonggung Buyeonrok is the work which the protagonist Han Saeng(韓生), who was alienated from the Royal court, was invited to the Sea King’s Palace, and realised that the secular affairs and desires in this world were of no value. In conclusion, this shows that Kim Siseup, who was in the state of despair and sorrow after “Gyeyu Geongran(癸酉靖亂)”, wanted to seek the freedom of mind through making a living with nature, and Yonggung Buyeonrok was written for revealing his heart like this.