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본고에서는 2차 방향전환을 전후하여 카프 연극부와 葛藤을 빚으며 熾熱한 논쟁을 전개하는 한편, 프로극단 활동을 통해 프로연극의 대중화를 실천하기 위해 노력했던 閔丙徽 활동의 의의와 그의 연극론을 살펴보았다.논구를 통해 閔丙徽의 카프 연극부에 대한 비판은 연극대중화를 위한 방안으로 이행되었으며, 그의 演劇大衆化 논의는 기존의 大劇場을 무대로 한 劇場主義 공연 행태를 비판하고 移動的 활동을 提案하는 방향으로 전개된 사실을 확인할 수 있었다.閔丙徽가 제안한 移動式 小型劇場 형태의 활동은 강화된 일제의 彈壓에 맞서 연극공연을 성취하고, 그럼으로써 全 運動의 一翼으로서 연극 활동에 맡겨진 所任을 수행해야 하는 프로극단의 役割에 비춰볼 때, 프로연극의 沈滯를 극복할 수 있는 適切한 방법이었다고 평가할 수 있다.

In order to understand comprehensively Korea Artista Proleta Federatio's drama movement, one needs to study the KAPF's various arguments in relation with the KAPF organization and its participants. Among KAPF's members and literary and political arguments, this paper is focused on the dramatic theory of Min, Byeong-hwi who have had heated debates with KAPF drama club members at its second turn and made efforts to popularize the proletarian dramas. While his contemporary drama popularization movement partici- pants criticized KAPF's attitudes and the inefficiency, Min proposed concretely the ways in which KAPF would overcome the oppression of Japanese imperialism and give a successful performance. Criticizing KAPF drama club's exclusive and intellectual tendency, its inefficient structure, the absence of methodology to vitalize its drama movement and its absence of political power to organize efficiently the professional theatrical companies in Seoul and the provinces, he demanded KAPF drama club to turn their professional organization into the popular one which could embrace laborers and farmers. Min's criticism on KAPF's drama club is a part of his exploration to popularize the proletarian dramas. He criticized the established big theatre's performance and proposed to give traveling performances. His proposal of traveling small theatre activities can be regarded as the ways in which KAPF made efforts to give the drama performance against the Japanese imperialism's oppression and overcome the proletarian drama's stagnation as well as to carry out its mission as a part of a proletariat revolution.

In order to understand comprehensively Korea Artista Proleta Federatio's drama movement, one needs to study the KAPF's various arguments in relation with the KAPF organization and its participants. Among KAPF's members and literary and political arguments, this paper is focused on the dramatic theory of Min, Byeong-hwi who have had heated debates with KAPF drama club members at its second turn and made efforts to popularize the proletarian dramas. While his contemporary drama popularization movement partici- pants criticized KAPF's attitudes and the inefficiency, Min proposed concretely the ways in which KAPF would overcome the oppression of Japanese imperialism and give a successful performance. Criticizing KAPF drama club's exclusive and intellectual tendency, its inefficient structure, the absence of methodology to vitalize its drama movement and its absence of political power to organize efficiently the professional theatrical companies in Seoul and the provinces, he demanded KAPF drama club to turn their professional organization into the popular one which could embrace laborers and farmers. Min's criticism on KAPF's drama club is a part of his exploration to popularize the proletarian dramas. He criticized the established big theatre's performance and proposed to give traveling performances. His proposal of traveling small theatre activities can be regarded as the ways in which KAPF made efforts to give the drama performance against the Japanese imperialism's oppression and overcome the proletarian drama's stagnation as well as to carry out its mission as a part of a proletariat revolution.