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崔恒은 [龍飛御天歌]의 註解에 주도적으로 참여하였다는 점에서, 창작자 이상으로 작품에 대한 透視的 眼目을 갖고 있었음에 틀림없다. 本稿에서는 崔恒의 이러한 안목이, 작품 註解에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지, 李朝 建國의 易姓革命을 합리화시키기 위한 수단과 방법으로 어떻게 [龍飛御天歌]에 反映되었는지를 그가 쓴 跋文과 儒家經典을 인용한 주해 내용을 통하여 살펴보았다. 첫째, [易經]에서 만물의 변화원리와 과정으로 易姓革命을 통한 조선조 창건 대업의 필연성을 설명하고 있다. 둘째, [詩經]의 雅頌에서 4언체의 기본적인 형식과 頌祝歌의 틀을 취해왔다. 崔恒 발문에서 밝힌 [詩經] [周頌] ‘天作’편과 商頌 ‘玄鳥’편이 중요한 근거가 된다. 셋째, [書經]의 [周書]에서 天命과 易姓의 역사적 사실을 내용의 근간으로 삼았다. 이와 같이 崔恒이 주도한 [龍飛御天歌] 註解 작업은 [龍飛御天歌]의 본질적 실체를 분명히 밝혀준 偉業이다.

A Study of Choi, Hang(崔恒) and Yongbiochon-ga(龍飛御天歌)Jun, In-choChoi, Hang(崔恒) was a scholar of Jiphyunjeon who led the work of annotating Yongbiochon-ga(龍飛御天歌) and wrote its epilogue. The epilogue clearly states the working principles and theme of Yongbio- chon-ga. Choi, Hang must have had a clairvoyant vision about the work beyond his role as its writer in that he played a key role in its annotation. This thesis studies how his vision influenced on his work of annotation and how it is reflected in Yongbiochon-ga to justify the revolution which led to a new dynasty.Although the annotation of Yongbiochon-ga, as is in the epilogue, was made by the order of King Sejong, we can understand its origin and substance from the annotation. The following conclusions could be reached from a study of the Confucian scriptures and stories of ancient China that the annotation cites.First, it demonstrates the necessity of the revolution as a natural process of change that the Book of Changes(易經) explains, and thereby takes it as the ultimate intention and purpose of Yongbio- chon-ga.Second, it takes up the basic style of Ya-song(雅頌) in The Book of Songs(詩經), especially of “Si-yan-ti(四言體)” of San-song(三頌), and the form of a poem of blessing(頌祝歌). “Tian-zuo(天作)” of “Zhou-song(周頌)” and “Xuan-niao(玄鳥)” of “Shang-song(商頌)” in the Book of Songs, as are in Choi, Hang's epilogue, offer a clue for this conclusion.Third, it is written on the basis of the historical fact of providence and revolution that The Book of History(書經) tells. The historical achievement of the founder and the restorer of Choson Dynasty that the Twenty-three Histories(二十三史) shows in the annotation strongly justifies the establishment of Choson Dynasty.

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崔恒, 龍飛御天歌, 易經, 詩經, 書經, 易姓革命, 註解