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본고는 애국계몽운동기 사회진화론의 수용양상 고찰과 더불어 주로 月中兎(달 속의 토끼)(<日申報> 第五 一面, 1915. 1. 1) 등의 신자료 분석을 통해서 애국계몽운동이 국권회복운동으로서 가지고 있던 한계와 그러한 시대에 李人稙이 이루어낸 역할, 나아가서 그가 개화에서 親日로 갈 수밖에 없었던 노정 등을 고찰하려고 한 것이다.李人稙의 血의 淚나, 月中兎(달 속의 토끼) 등의 소설에 나타난 자강사상이나 일본의 제국주의에 대한 비판의 취약성 등은 한국에서의 ‘强權’(국가주의)적 진화론의 수용양상이 작품에 반영된 것이다. 애국계몽운동의 국권회복운동으로서의 근본적인 문제점이 ‘강자의 권리’를 합리화하기 위해 창조된 독일류의 ‘국가주의적 사회진화론 사상’을 무비판적으로 받아들인 데 있고, 그것이 李人稙으로 하여금 개화에서 친일로 나아갈 수밖에 없게 한 것이다.

The Doctrine of Social Evolution Flowed in through the Intermediary of Yang, Gye-cho in Patriotic Enlightenment Campaign Period and Lee, In-jik-Centering around “Woljungto(rabbit in moon)” etc.,- Tajiri, Hiroyuki(田尻浩幸) In this manuscript, I’ll examine the receptive aspect of the doctrine of social evolution in patriotic enlightment campaign period.Together with above thing, through new data analysis of mainly “Woljungto(rabbit in moon)” (<maeilsinbo>, fifth one side, 1915. 1. 1) etc,. I consider the fact that patriotic enlightment campaign has the limit as national rights recovery movement in some measure. Besides I examine the role that Lee, In-jik has fulfilled in the same period. Furthermore I'd examine the course that he'd not but follow pro-Japanese in civilized period. Strenuous efforts idealogy or vulnerability of criticism about Japanese imperialism appeared in novel of Lee, In-Jik's (spill of blood) or (“wolJungto, rabbit in moon”) etc., are the examples that receptive aspect of nationalistic theory of evolution in Korea is reflected in work. A fundamental problem as national rights recovery movement of patriotic enlightment campaign was due to receive uncritically theroy of nationalistic social evolution thought of German way created to rationalize. ‘The strong's right’. So Lee, In-jik cannot but go forward to pro-Japanese in civilized period.

The Doctrine of Social Evolution Flowed in through the Intermediary of Yang, Gye-cho in Patriotic Enlightenment Campaign Period and Lee, In-jik-Centering around “Woljungto(rabbit in moon)” etc.,- Tajiri, Hiroyuki(田尻浩幸) In this manuscript, I’ll examine the receptive aspect of the doctrine of social evolution in patriotic enlightment campaign period.Together with above thing, through new data analysis of mainly “Woljungto(rabbit in moon)” (<maeilsinbo>, fifth one side, 1915. 1. 1) etc,. I consider the fact that patriotic enlightment campaign has the limit as national rights recovery movement in some measure. Besides I examine the role that Lee, In-jik has fulfilled in the same period. Furthermore I'd examine the course that he'd not but follow pro-Japanese in civilized period. Strenuous efforts idealogy or vulnerability of criticism about Japanese imperialism appeared in novel of Lee, In-Jik's (spill of blood) or (“wolJungto, rabbit in moon”) etc., are the examples that receptive aspect of nationalistic theory of evolution in Korea is reflected in work. A fundamental problem as national rights recovery movement of patriotic enlightment campaign was due to receive uncritically theroy of nationalistic social evolution thought of German way created to rationalize. ‘The strong's right’. So Lee, In-jik cannot but go forward to pro-Japanese in civilized period.