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本稿는 二音節 漢字語 뒤에 결합되는 一音節 漢字語를 분석하고자 한 논문이다. 비자립적으로 사용되는 일음절 한자어는 흔히 語根이라 칭하여 固有語와는 다른 형태적 특징을 가진 것으로 범주화하였으나, 한자어의 형태적 특징을 판별하는 기준 역시 고유어와 마찬가지 기준을 적용하여 -形態的 依存性, 結合的 制限性, 造語的 機能性, 文法的 意味性- 接尾辭的 기능을 갖는 일음절 한자어는 접미사로 판별해야 함을 주장하였다. 그리하여 문장에서 自立的으로 사용되는 일음절 한자어가 이음절 한자어와 결합하여 단어를 형성하는 경우 合成語로 보고, 依存 名詞로 사용되는 일음절 한자어가 단어를 형성하는 경우 역시 合成語로 판별하였다. 비자립적이며 관형사형 뒤에도 나타나지 않는 일음절 한자어 중 造語的 機能性이 높은 ‘本, 書’ 등의 일음절 한자어는 接尾辭로 판별하여 이와 결합한 한자어는 派生語임을 주장하였다.

This study aims to research the morphological function of one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon composed a complex word following a two syllable Sino-Korean word. It is used as a noun or a dependant noun or a root in the sentence. We try to treat Sino-Korean lexicon as native Korean vocabulary, so we suggest four criteria -morphological dependancy, restrictive combination, grammatical meaning, and productive word-formation- in order to distinguish Sino-Korean suffixes. When one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon is used as a noun in the pattern 1(Sik01(式), Geup(級), An(案), Eum(音), Pan(版)), we consider ‘two syllable Sino-Korean word+one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon as a compound word. When one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon is used as a dependant noun in the pattern 2(Sik03(式), Pyeon(篇), Jeom(點), Jo(調), Ja(者), Ja(字), Ho(號), Gun(郡), we consider ‘two syllable Sino-Korean word+one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon' as a compound word, too. In the third pattern like Bon(本), Seo(書), the Sino-Korean lexicon is used as a root, so we consider ‘two syllable Sino-Korean word+one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon' as the derived word and the one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon as the suffix.

This study aims to research the morphological function of one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon composed a complex word following a two syllable Sino-Korean word. It is used as a noun or a dependant noun or a root in the sentence. We try to treat Sino-Korean lexicon as native Korean vocabulary, so we suggest four criteria -morphological dependancy, restrictive combination, grammatical meaning, and productive word-formation- in order to distinguish Sino-Korean suffixes. When one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon is used as a noun in the pattern 1(Sik01(式), Geup(級), An(案), Eum(音), Pan(版)), we consider ‘two syllable Sino-Korean word+one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon as a compound word. When one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon is used as a dependant noun in the pattern 2(Sik03(式), Pyeon(篇), Jeom(點), Jo(調), Ja(者), Ja(字), Ho(號), Gun(郡), we consider ‘two syllable Sino-Korean word+one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon' as a compound word, too. In the third pattern like Bon(本), Seo(書), the Sino-Korean lexicon is used as a root, so we consider ‘two syllable Sino-Korean word+one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon' as the derived word and the one syllable Sino-Korean lexicon as the suffix.