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本稿는 대표적 巫俗神話인 「바리공주」, 「세경본풀이」, 「초공본풀이」를 택하여, 여주인공들이 자신을 否定하는 ‘여성의 현실’에 어떻게 對應하며 딸, 아내, 어머니로서의 正體性을 探索해 나가는지 살펴보았다. 「바리공주」에서는 ‘나’의 根源을 찾는 旅程을 거치며 ‘스스로의 길’을 만드는 딸로서의 바리공주의 모습을, 「세경본풀이」에서는 능동적으로 ‘사랑’을 이루어나가는 旅程을 통해 平等한 夫婦關係를 만드는 아내로서의 자청비의 모습을, 「초공본풀이」에서는 홀로 힘겨운 出産과 養育의 과정을 겪어내며 삼 형제를 巫祖神으로 만듦으로써 母系家族을 이루는 어머니로서의 자지멩왕 아기씨의 모습을 살필 수 있었다. 이로써 이들 巫俗神話의 여주인공들이 사회가 부과한 否定的 正體性과 從屬的 關係를 克服하여 스스로 새로운 정체성을 만들어가는 과정에서 ‘삶’과 ‘죽음’의 二元的 對立을 克服하여 강한 생명력을 지닌 존재로 再誕生하고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

This thesis chose Korean representative shamanistic myths -「Princess Bari」, 「SeGyeong-Bonpuri」, 「Chogong-Bonpuri」- to investigate how the heroine respond to the ‘reality of women' denying female identity, and how they search for the identity as a daughter, a wife, and a mother. In 「Princess Bari」, Princess Bari, the heroine, showed her female identity as a daughter making ‘a road on her own', while taking a journey to find the root of ‘herself'. In 「SeGyeong-Bonpuri」, Jacheongbi showed her female identity as a wife estab- lishing equal husband and wife relationship by taking a journey to complete love actively. In 「Chogong-Bonpuri」, Jajimengwang-Ahgissi showed her identity as a mother who suffered from hard childbirth and childrearing by herself and made three sons as ancestral gods of shamanism, and consequently created a maternal family. The aspects of the quest for female identity in the shamanistic myths are meaningful in the point that it was possible to look at insight provided by women themselves regarding ‘life as a woman'. the heroine in the shamanistic myths freed themselves from negative female identity in society and from dependence on men, and discovered their identity as a daughter, a wife, and a mother to make themselves newly. By overcome dualistic conflict between ‘life' and ‘death' in the journey of finding their identity, they were born as a being to give a new life to their family. In addition, they became the salvation of others. Their characteristics showed women's various recognition on female identity. And, it is meaningful that they can give good impact on the positive and leading creation of female self-identity.