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본고에서는 原形理論을 이용해서 韓國語의 類義語 關係에 있는 ‘모습’, ‘꼴’, ‘模樣’의 意味 差異를 살펴보았다. 먼저 세 단어의 意味 擴張 方向을 고찰했는데 이들의 共通點은 모두 具體的인 事物이나 사람의 모양에서 抽象的인 事物의 構造나 狀況으로 擴張을 해 나갔다는 것이다. 差異點은 ‘모습’은 原形意味에서 이미지적인 意味, ‘꼴’은 原形意味에서 否定的인 意味, ‘模樣’은 原形意味에서 肯定的인 意味, 否定的인 意味, 文法的인 意味로 擴張해 나갔다는 것이다. 다음으로, ‘사람의 模樣’, ‘具體的인 事物의 模樣’, ‘抽象的인 事物의 模樣’과 ‘名詞 뒤에 쓰여 그 事物과 같은 形狀’ 등 意味別로 이들의 具體的인 意味 差異를 比較했다. ‘모습’은 가장 具體的이며 價値中立的인 意味를 가지며, ‘꼴’은 輪廓적인 意味를 가지고 大部分의 경우 話者의 否定的인 態度를 나타낸다. ‘模樣’은 輪廓적인 意味를 가지며 價値中立的인 意味와 否定的인 意味를 모두 나타낼 수 있다.

‘Moseup’, ‘kkol’ and ‘moyang’, nouns in Korean, can be classified into the synonym set whose meaning is on the looks of objects or persons. These three words appear very similar to each other, though, this study looks into and describes their semantic differences especially from the viewpoint of sense extension in prototype theory. A clear difference is observed in their sense extension; ‘moseup’ has a meaning of image and ‘kkol’ a negative meanings, while ‘moyang’ extends to a positive, a negative and even grammatical meaning. Detailed description of their specific differences is also presented in this study. Of the three words, ‘moseup’ has the most practical and neutral meaning. ‘Kkol’ is used semantically in the negative attitude of speaker in most cases. ‘Moyang’ has a neutral meaning when used to represent outlines of objects or person's looks and actions, while a neutral or negative meaning in other cases. It is also found that the use of ‘kkol’ and ‘moyang’ in the negative meaning takes place in colloquial contexts. The negative meaning of ‘kkol’ is much stronger than that of ‘moyang’.