초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper argues that the surface position of the ECMed nominal in Korean should be [Spec, v*P] in the upper clause. This paper is against the arguments that the Korean ECM construction is a syntactic reflection of pragmatic force (i.e., Int effects in Chomsky's (2001) term) (Jung 2001, Yoon 2004, among others). In fact, the overt object shift of the ECMed nominal is driven by its structural Case checking against the matrix v* (cf. Bošković 1997, 2002, in press a, Radford 2004). This paper also claims that while the object with inherent Case in the thematic position undergoes Case checking against v* by Agree (Chomsky 2000, 2001), the ECMed nominal with structural Case necessarily undergoes overt object shift in order to have its structural Case checked against v*. No instance of feature checking movement can feed another instance of feature checking movement (Bošković in press a, b). It makes sense that the ECM construction in Korean involves A-movement out of CP, which induces the [Spec, CP] to be an A-position (cf. Tanaka 2002, McCloskey 2000, Bošković in press a, b). It is also observed that the Korean ECMed nominal may further undergo a separated feature checking operation from its surface shifted position to another surface position; hence, no feature checking in intermediate positions in successive cyclic movement of the ECMed nominals.