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The goal of this paper is to examine the unstressable word syndrome in 2-syllable words with final extrametricality within Optimality Theory (OT). The way a language selects its repair strategies depends on both the avoidance of final stress and its possible minimal word size. In order to account for the generalization with respect to repair strategies such as lengthening/gemination, incorporation, and revocation of extrametricality, we propose a repair-specific NONFINALITY(σweak-in-foot) constraint as a replacement of NONFINALITY(FT) constraint. The observation that the domain of repairs is 2-syllable words straightforwardly leads to our argument against the traditional application of NONFINALITY(FT) to them since it assumes its maximal domain is more than 2-syllable words in size when words are only light syllables. With the NONFINALITY(σweak-in-foot) constraint we can account for the disyllable-specific unstressable word syndrome in a consistent and coherent way which previous OT accounts cannot. Furthermore, different ranking relations established among NONFINALITY(), NONFINALITY(σweak-in-foot) and PARSE-SYL provide a typological prediction for all repair strategies.