초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In spite of the rapid growth and the economic contribution of the meeting and convention industry, only a few researches have been done on the economic contribution and its relationship among principals of the industry segment in depth. This research focuses on not only the economic contribution of the convention industry but also the industrial structure of convention. Analyzing the economic structure of Daejeon regional convention industry is done after three steps in this reserch; deriving 9 Regional I/O models from national I/O models, estimating the spending of each meeting and exhibition held on Daejeon, and measuring Net Relatives Change Effect (NRCE). Methods of deriving the regional I/O Model and measuring NRCE have to be based on only one type of data for comparing each results. The employment data is used for calculating the Location Quotients (LQ), deriving Regional I/O Models, and measuring NRCE in this research. Results of the research indicate that leakages of the convention organizor's expenditure is connected with the industry mix differentials and the competitiveness differentials. Implications of the research results are discussed.