초록 열기/닫기 버튼

As rural villages’ space became the center of the rural development projects and strategies to develop areas in 2000s, an axis of the government-sponsored rural development projects is green tourism village in rural area, the comprehensive rural village development projects and revitalizing projects. And it's another axis that alternative rural development projects are being done focusing on campaign to make villages that local society and residents become the main agents. Especially, since the policy of rural tourism was made in 2000s, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Rural Development Administration and Korea Forest Service have fostered green tourism village in rural area, rural traditional theme village,fishing village experience, mountain village experience and rural tourism educational farm emphasizing each institution's characteristics and each local government is promoting various types of policies to develop rural tourism. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of awareness of the effect about residents'education of the comprehensive rural village development projects for local residents who are the educational subjects in the area to promote the projects to develop rural tourism village, recognize the importance of residents’ education to build social capital and use it as the basic data which can present its direction and educational plan to promote the comprehensive rural village development projects and develop the rural areas.