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This paper attempted to explore the effect of theme on local residents attitude in developing theme park. Fully observing the potential of theme park as tourism attraction in destination and its positive social and economic effect on local area, this study took OSMU(one source multi use) approach as culture contents business. Literature reviews revealed that positive awareness theme transfers into positive attitude also self-congruency on object leads to positive attitude in tourism setting. Study identified two factors in Taegwando or theme as education and entertainment, in similar vein, social and economic factors in Taegwandowon or theme park development attitude. Result said that the group with strong awareness on theme forms positive attitude for developing theme park. The group with high self-congruency on theme also slows favorable attitude in social aspect, not in economic aspect. For the academic contribution, brand personality applied to local resident and relation between theme and its application is explored. For the management implication, successful theme park development should more attend on theme. Macro view on theme as the core contents should be taken in the context of interrelated industries.