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This study purposes to identify the relationship between selection properties of cooking wine that is used in the field, and food quality, and proposes measures to raise the importance of wine in cooking and improve quality of food based on the analysis of the how cooking wines effect on food quality. To summarize the results of the study according to the positive analysis, selection properties of both red and white cooking wines shown to have an effect on food quality. In case of red wine, it was effective in functionality and machinability with taste and scent, and the color and texture was shown effective in machinability, trophism and usefulness. Especially, entire selection properties of the red wine appeared to have influence in machinability. Moreover, for white wine, it showed its effectiveness in functionality with taste and scent, and appears to have influence in usefulness with taste, color and texture except the scent. In particular, entire selection properties of the white wine shown to have effect on trophism and machinability.