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This study was to examine the structural relationships among an hotel general manager's authentic(AL) leadership, hotel employee's leader trust(LT), organization trust(OT), affective commitment(AC), and turnover intention(TI). For these purposes, the several hypotheses and collected data was developed from 316 employees working at each five local and five franchise hotel. In this model, AL was proposed to LT and OT. LT had effects on OT, AC, and TI. OT affected AC and TI. Lastly, AC influenced IC. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling with AMOS 18.0 and SPSS Win/PC 18,0. The result of the overall model analysis appeared as follows: X2=2.038, GFI=.907, AGFI=.879, NFI=.943, CFI=.970, RMR=.030, RMSEA=.057. Since the result of the overall model analysis demonstrated a good fit, it helped our data could be further analyzed. The findings can be summarized as follows: First, AL had directly positive effects on LT and OT. Second, LT had positive effects on OT and AC. Third, OT had a positive effect on AC. Fourth, AC had a statistically negative effect on TI.