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This study is to find out the difference of choices made by different groups when selecting local restaurants according to Food-related Lifestyle and their effects on Satisfaction the restaurants. Factor analysis conducted on the 13 items to measure dietary lifestyle was done and the results are as follows: Four factors such as health seeking type (.845), trendy pursuit type (.779), the pursuit of taste alone (.688), seeking safety type (.739), four factors regarding selection of the local restaurants (Health .794, Locality of food .805, diversity .655, Locality of restaurant .755, convenience .701) and Satisfaction 4 items with a reliability (0.822)Depending on the type of Food-related Lifestyle, gourmet type is showing a significant difference in the local restaurant selection difference analysis. Thus the customer will be more attracted by seasonal cyclic menus using fresh ingredients produced in area than those sold in conventional immobilized menu. As to the factors influencing the choice of local restaurants and re-visit attribute type, gourmet has been adopted while the rest were not. This shows that local restaurants in Gijang did not provide a variety of food or a variety of services than restaurants in other area