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This study investigates the relationship between selection attribute (ambience, menu, access, service) and revisit intention, and examines how hallyu play moderating roles between selection attribute and revisit intention. For these purposes the author developed a structural model which consists of several variables. In this model, selection attribute that consists of ambience, menu, access, and service was proposed to affect the increase revisit intention. Thus, hallyu were proposed as a core moderating variables between selection attribute and revisit intention. Survey conducted a total duration of 31 days until August 5 days from July 5, 2014, the subject was surveyed for the Filipino people to visit the Korean restaurant located in the Philippines. With the help of a professional survey research firm it had conducted an Internet survey, conducted by collecting 270 parts of an analysis of the insincerity of respondents in one survey results, except 15 parts to 255 parts. Analysis SPSS 18.0 was used. The findings are summarized as follows. First, menu and service of korean restaurant had positive effects on revisit intention. In addition menu had a greater effect on revisit intention than service. Second, hallyu had moderate effected between selection attribute and revisit intention.